Raport - Facilities.doc

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Raport on

From: major Grzegorz Gruszka

To: Air Force Academy commander

Subject: the popularity of information to be supplied in self-study center


The aim of this report is to outline the results of a survey carried out to assess the popularity of various types of teaching aids /facilities/. Which introduction could be contemplated during the organization a new modern self-study center in the Air Force Academy.

Teaching aids /facilities/

1. Internet

              A generally analysis of the graph showing the popularity of various sources of information points to the internet as the most expected facility. Above ninety per cent of the surveyed chose the internet. Currently the Internet is a major source of news and knowledge about the world.

2. Library books

              Approximately seventy per cent of the surveyed described library books as necessary. The survey indicated that books broaden the mind and they are useful as far on specific military knowledge, which is often confidential, is concerned.

3.              Satelite TV

On the whole, fifty per cent of the questioned were interested in the existence of satellite TV in the Air Force Academy. Many people argue that satellite TV is indispensable to foreign languages, particularly to people who attend different courses.

4.              Newspapers magazines

              A minority /about twenty per cent/ considered newspapers magazines. The Questioned noticed that the most important method is to subscribe military magazines.


The Results of the survey provided knowledge of educational possibilities which the survey indicated as the most expected. In addition, it seems that the Air Force Academy has got the possibilities to introduce above mentioned teaching aids. All in all, the cost  is not considerable  because Air Force Academy has got the great possibilities. All things considered, it is highly recommended to organize four mentioned teaching aids in a new modern self-study center in the Air Force Academy.

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