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# province id = rotation in degrees, 0 is pointing right, then ccw)
# can be reloaded ingame by cmd: reloadtradewinds

# Winds in the north
1571 = 0
1574 = 30
1570 = -30
1572 = 20
1573 = -15
1582 = 0
1569 = 10
1568 = 40
1565 = -15
1564 = 15
1479 = -20

# Winds in the south
1472 = 230
1566 = 235
1471 = 245
1578 = 200
1470 = 190
1581 = 190
1579 = 200
1576 = 170
1577 = 160
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin