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Ark Volume 11
Ark Volume 11
Act 1: Unfinished Quest
What is this? Magaro is a boss monster?’
Ark was unable to process the absurd sight in front of him. What type of 4D space
was in that person’s body? How did the body of an old man suddenly become a 10
metre tall monster? Had the alchemist never heard of the law of conservation of
mass? Ark was a modern man with common sense so he questioned it but Magaro
was already talking.
“Huhuhu, I absolutely can’t lose. I can’t lose to anyone! All of this is mine. Only I can
have it! I will kill everyone who tries to take it away from me!”
…..He couldn’t even try a conversation in this atmosphere. No, he had seen many
boss monsters but this was the first time he dreaded looking at one.
It was like an experiment failed and he just stitched random monster parts to his
body. Each eyeball rotated in a different direction. 10 different arms with colouring
blisters covering it…..It was the first time he had seen such a scary monster. Ark
wasn’t the only person to think so.
“Huk, w-what the hell?”
The cry emerged from around the corner when Magaro transformed. He turned his
head and saw that the pig was sitting down on ground. Buksil had used ‘historical
mission’ as an excuse to Lariette and followed Ark. He was about to use his ‘secret
weapon’ when he saw Magaro and froze. Then Magaro’s eyes rolled around and
focused on Buksil. Ark’s body instinctively moved.
“S-such……such a stupid bastard…..!”
Ark used ‘Sprint’ and collided with Buksil.
Buksil was thrown into the air. At the same time, Magaro’s arms moved in strange
angles and attacked. Despite using his sword to block, Ark was pushed back a few
metres. Sweat poured down his body at the fearsome monster’s fierce attack.
“Ah, Ark-nim? You rescued me….?”
“You stupid fool, you can’t die so selfishly!”
Ark Volume 11
Buksil looked at Ark with tearful eyes. He had secretly followed Ark in order to use
his ‘secret weapon’ and obtain Magaro’s legacy. That is, to strike him in the back…..
But he felt strange once Ark used his body to prevent him from dying.
‘Ah, although Ark-nim is wicked, he truly regarded me as his colleague.
Nevertheless, I….I….I was always aiming to stab Ark-nim in the back. Kuaak…..! I
really am terrible. I’m not even human. I’m disqualified from being a human!’
But he was only impressed for a few seconds.
“I need you to pack all the items here before dying!”
‘This son of a bitch, am I just a bag?’
Buksil’s face wrinkled after Ark’s comment. Anyway, Ark raised his body and stared
at Magaro. But there wasn’t fear or confusion on Ark’s face. It was like someone
finding a ray of happiness in the midst of despair.
‘I don’t know how it happened……this is an opportunity. If I kill Magaro then
Magaro’s ownership of the items would disappear. And I can obtain Magaro’s
At first he was scared thanks to the horror like scene. But he couldn’t forget the
hideous appearance in the face of money. Even if the girl who crawled out of the TV
or a nine-tailed fox begged him or the person from Friday the 13th held a chainsaw
and threatened him……he would welcome it anytime if they gave him more
items. Thanks to that, Magaro now appeared like a roll of bank notes to Ark.
‘I’m going to kill you.’ And even ‘I will inherit the legacy.’ Those were the only
words he cared about!
At the thought of money, Ark became cool-headed in the battle.
‘Gauging from the previous impact, he’s not an opponent to be trifled with. In
addition, he probably has some special attacks while I’m fighting blindly. The first
rule of victory is to fight in the most favourable conditions!’
“Why are you just sitting down stupidly? Follow me! Dedric, Razak, run!”
Ark grabbed Buksil by the collar and bolted.
“That dirty rat…..I will not miss it!”
Ark Volume 11
Magaro cried and pursued them.
However, Ark used ‘Sprint’ to escape the pursuit.
Lariette had been sitting near the entrance of the cave with a worried face and stood
up when she saw them. Then she screamed at the ugly form of Magaro chasing them.
“Kyaaak, that, that is…..?”
“I don’t have time to explain in detail. Please buff me!”
“Huh? Oh, yes! Warrior’s strength, Virtuous Vitality, Pure light!”
Lariette stacked three buffs on him. Virtuous Vitality increased his strength and
stamina for 3 minutes and increased his health while Pure light improved his mana
While the Innocence Knight had less combat abilities than a Holy Knight, its buffs
were stronger. Of course, the skill level was lower so it wasn’t as effective as
Alan’s. But it was a hundred times better than nothing. Furthermore, Lariette’s buff
affected all her allied so it applied to Buksil, Ark and his summons as well. The
combat abilities of the whole party rose sharply.
‘That’s it.’
Ark stopped and turned around. Then he shouted while using Riposte against the
approaching Magaro.
“A-1 plan. Dedric, Razak, take position on the right and left.”
Clack clack clack clack, ttadadak!
“Lariette-nim, please attack him from behind. Virtuous Vitality is more concerned
with attack than defense so we will concentrate on attacking from 4 directions.”
“Yes, I’ll try it!”
Lariette looked fearfully at Magaro but she wasn’t a child. In such a situation, it
wasn’t possible to sit down and be scared.
“Buksil, retreat a safe distance!”
Ark Volume 11
“Yes, let’s do it!”
Buksil answered boldly and ran away. While Ark attracted Magaro’s attention,
Lariette and his summons got into their positions and surrounded him. Then Ark
used his Elemental Sword Fire attribute, Dedric Dark Dash, Razak and Lariette
Shield Stroke and attacked Magaro simultaneously.
“Kuaaak, these people…..!”
The attacks struck like a storm and instantly reduced Magaro’s health by 30%. Of
course, Magaro wasn’t an insignificant opponent. He was level 500. The 10 arms also
moved back and forth in a bizarre series of attacks. Perhaps Ark would’ve been
struggling if he was alone. However, Ark wasn’t alone. He had been steadily feeding
his pets food to raise their stats while Lariette had graduated with honours from
Ark’s spartan training over the last 10 days.
‘Teaching is really rewarding.’
Ark smiled warmly at Lariette. Of course, looking from the viewpoint of the teacher
there was still a lot more for her to learn. But it was still a rewarding experience since
Lariette was useful now. The best advantage of an Innocence Knight was that they
could use recovery magic while wearing heavy armour!
“Healing Touch!”
Lariette used healing magic regularly between attacking and defending. A warrior
receiving recovery magic was the difference between life and death in a battle! Ark
was able to concentrate freely on attacking without worrying about his health.
“These guys… dare these thieves…..I cannot forgive!”
Finally Magaro’s health was reduced to 50%. He once again received a critical hit
from Gwisal’s sword and fell to one knee. At the same time Magaro’s body turned
‘Double critical chance! This is a chance!’
Ark rushed forward like a wolf. Something unthinkable occurred. The blisters on
Magaro’s 10 arms moved and scattered. When it came back, he was holding potion
bottles in each of his hands.
“You wanted my research materials? Huhuhu, okay, take it! This is the result of my
Ark Volume 11
Hwiririk, pepeng, pepeng, kukwakwakwang!
Magaro threw the 10 bottles onto the ground where multiple explosions took place.
Flames and poison gas, lightning and winds…..!
You have received lightning damage from the explosion. 150 damage.
You have received fire damage from the explosion. 250 damage……
He received all sorts of attribute damage.
The bottles that Magaro threw were filled with explosive liquid of different
attributes. Fortunately, Ark had some resistance to all the attributes thanks to the
Mongoose immortality pill. But his fire resistance went down to -25% thanks to the
use of Elemental Sword so he received 250 damage thanks to the additional
damage. That was not the whole problem. Magaro swallowed a potion and his
health increased. He also stored recovery potions.
“Kukuku, how is it? Stupid bastards…..this is the power of alchemy!”
Magaro went on a drinking spree of recovery potions.
“No, this son of a bitch……!”
Magaro transferred the recovery potions to two arms while throwing the explosive
potions with the remaining arms.
“Huk, Radun, swallow the potion!”
Ssak ssak, ssak ssak ssak!
Radun shot out and swallowed the explosive potions at Ark’s command.
-Radun has acquired the Fire Explosive potion.
But no matter how it tried, Radun couldn’t swallow 8 potions at once. Radun could
only swallow one while the seven remaining exploded.
Kkukkukkukku, kkukwang, kwakwakwakwang!
It seemed like bombs were falling from the sky. Ark used ‘Dark Dance’ to avoid the
blast range but it was impossible in a narrow cave. He barely managed to avoid
everything and receive Lariette’s recovery magic. Then Magaro turned his eyes to
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