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Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
Chapter 21
Premier Auctions: Wu Tan City’s largest auction house and a branch of
Jia Ma empire’s richest family, the Premier Family.
The Premier family was extremely ancient and had been a quite
powerful force in Jia Ma Empire for a couple of centuries already. Their
networks were definitely impressive and some rumors even claimed
that the Premier family had close ties with Jia Ma Empire’s royalty.
In the Empire, the Premier Family, Nalan Family, and Ritter Family are
the three largest families and have various connections in the
commercial and military world.
Therefore, with the Premier family supporting it, no matter how enticing
the profits of the auction were, no one would dare to try anything
against them.
Looking at the auction house at the end of the street, Xiao Yan turned
into a side alley and quickly put on a black robe.
TL: Imagine a harry potter school robe
The black robe did not only cover up Xiao Yan’s face, it also altered his
skinny frame to seem a lot wider. Even if Xue Er was looking at the
robed figure, she would not be able to realize it was Xiao Yan…
After being covered by a black robe, Xiao Yan let out a relieved breath. It
wasn’t that Xiao Yan was being too careful, but rather that the
Foundation Elixir was too precious. For clans, the attraction of
Foundation Elixirs was huge. If someone could mass produce it, then it
would mean that the younger generation of the clan would grow at an
accelerated rate, which would help the clan further their power and in
turn lead to a positive cycle.
Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xiao Yan could only choose to
hide himself….
Carefully touching the slightly cold White Jade bottle, Xiao Yan slowly
walked out of the alley and went towards the auction house at the end
of the street.
Under the vigilant glances by the fully armored guards, Xiao Yan
walked into the auction house without stopping.
As soon as Xiao Yan entered the house, the scorching feeling from the
sun was replaced with a cool feeling. It made people feel as if they had
stepped into a new world.
Sweeping through the fancy hall, Xiao Yan quickly found a side room.
On the door which led to the room were the shiny words “Inspection
Walking inside, the room was quite empty and only a middle aged man
who was obviously bored sat there. Hearing the door open, the man
raised his head and, upon seeing the black robed Xiao Yan, his brow
slightly furrowed. But immediately, the expression on his face changed
to a professional smile: “Sir, do you plan on having something
“Yes.” Under the black robe, a dry and old voice lightly floated out. It
was Yao Lao’s voice!
Xiao Yan walked up and placed the White Jade bottle on the desk in
front of the middle aged man.
“This is?” Looking confused, the middle aged man carefully picked up
the White Jade bottle and sniffed it. The expression on his face
immediately changed and when he looked back at the black robed
figure, his gaze had a hint of respect: “Mister, you’re an Alchemist?”
“Yes.” The aged voice came out again.
Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
“Could I ask, what… pill is within this bottle? What does it do?”
Hearing that he was dealing with an alchemist, the middle aged man
asked with even more respect.
“Foundation Elixir: It can increase Dou Qi training speed but only useful
for people under the Dou Zhe level.”
“Oh? It can increase the Dou Qi training speed?” Hearing Yao Lao’s
words, the expression on the middle aged man changed. Everyone knew
that Dou Qi could only be trained following a set formula and since the
Qi Paths for individuals are especially weak at this point, if the effects of
the medicine were too fierce, then the Qi Paths would burst and the
person would die…
“My elixir doesn’t have any side effects and the medicinal power is
extremely peaceful so it won’t cause something like that to happen. You
don’t need to worry about that happening.” As if he could understand
what the middle aged man was thinking, the wizened voice calmly
His expression changing once more, the middle aged man carefully
placed the White Jade bottle on the table in front of him and respectfully
asked: “Mister, could you wait for a second? I need to ask our auction’s
Gu Ni master to inspect this Elixir!”
“Sure, hurry up.” Waving his hand, Xiao Yan did not pretend to be
polite and sat in a chair to the side.
The middle aged man quickly nodded and hurriedly left the room.
Sitting on the chair, Xiao Yao remained silent and didn’t attempt to
speak with Yao Lao. This was someone else’s place and being cautious
was better than not. Who knew if there were things that could listen in
on their conversation.
After waiting in the room for a little while, the middle aged man
returned with a green robed elder with slightly whitened hair.
Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
On the chest of the elder were not gold stars but rather something like
an alchemy furnace and on the alchemy furnace were two silver lines
sparkling with elegance.
“Mister, this is our auction’s Gu Ni Master. He’s a three small Da Do Shi!
At the same time, he’s also a second tier Alchemist!” The middle aged
man respectfully introduced the newcomer.
Hearing the identity of the elder, Xiao Yan’s brow instinctively jumped.
This was the first time that he met an alchemist beside Yao Lao. He
carefully re-examined the elder.
The elder had a red face and even though the green robe seemed
ordinary, there were slivers of light surging across it. Obviously, this
robe had some kind of a Monster Core implanted into it. On the elder’s
commonplace face was an ever present arrogance, something that all
Alchemists had.
While Xiao Yan was examining Gu Ni, Gu Ni was also studying the
person in front of him. Alchemists weren’t like Dou Zhes and
Alchemists were highly sought after by various forces. Therefore, when
Gu Ni was studying Xiao Yan, he was also trying to guess who the
Alchemist was.
The middle aged man carefully picked up the Jade bottle on the table
and passed it to Gu Ni…
Taking the White Jade bottle, Gu Ni first sniffed the sweet fragrance
while his old eyes closed slightly. Lightly tipping the bottle, a drop of
green liquid slowly rolled from the opening of the bottle to land in the
middle of Gu Ni’s palm.
Staring at the green liquid, Gu Ni whipped out a silver needle and on
the tip of the needle showed a slight Dou Qi fluctuation. It quietly
slipped into the green liquid and slowly stirred…
With the stirring of the needle, Gu Ni’s calm face changed into a serious
expression. Moments later, he placed the green liquid back into the jade
bottle. When he looked at Xiao Yan again, his arrogant face had a hint of
Battle Through the Heavens – Chapter 21-40
respect. Turning towards the middle aged man, he said: “The elixir is at
second tier. Everything that was said before is true!”
Hearing that, the middle aged man let out a relieved breath and
excitedly smiled at Xiao Yan: “Mister, do you plan on auctioning this
“Yup, can you auction it as soon as possible?”
“Hehe, that’s no problem. Mister, take this and go to the first auction
room. Luckily, we’re having an auction there right now and your Elixir
will be auctioned immediately!” The middle aged man smiled while
handing over a pitch black metal card.
“Okay.” Taking the metal card, Xiao Yan didn’t wait and left the room
“Gu Ni Master, is he really an Alchemist?” Only after Xiao Yan had left
their sight did the middle aged man whispered quietly to Gu Ni.
“Yes, he’s an Alchemist. His agile Soul Perception, can’t be wrong…” Gu
Ni nodded but his brow was furrowed and he muttered: “But where did
he come from? I haven’t heard of any Alchemist that can refine a second
tier pill in Wu Tan City.”
“Shall I do some research?”
Gu Ni paused before shaking his head: “Not now. All alchemists have
weird tempers and if he notices you trying to dig up his history, he’ll
have a bad impression of the auction. To be on the bad side of a
mysterious Alchemist is never a smart move.”
Turning around, Gu Ni lightly said: “For him to have a good impression
of our auction, you should know how to do that right?”
“Hehe, I understand.”
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