Death March Chapter 1.1 - 1.10.pdf

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Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
Chapter 1.1
Stars wander
Great numbers of them
Sometimes glimpsing a shooting star
When people see such fleeting moments, each recite a wish in their
But isn't the sky divided by the falling meteorites?
Accompanied with thunderous roar, the mass falls upon the earth with
overwhelming speed.
There might be people who enjoy seeing them on TV or a video site...
but no one would want to see this downpour in close proximity.
Yes, right now hundreds of meteorites are falling down in front of my
I shouldn't say it like it's other people's business. This disaster is
unmistakeably caused by me.
Due to my thoughtless choice about 10 minutes ago, now meteorites
gouge the earth.
Striking dozens of kilometers away, trampling down the [enemies]
there. From the corner of my viewpoint, the red dots on the radar are
disappearing along with their lives.
And then, a while after most of the meteorites disappear into the earth
the slightly delayed sounds reach with a bit of ground tremor.
Before the wave of dust crawling on the ground...
Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
Suddenly, I'm struck with acute pain, like it's some sort of divine
My head feels like it's splitting.
As if my body is being torn apart and scattered away.
Immediately after my consciousness parted from the pain, my body is
swept away by the dust wave.
Let's rewind the time a bit.
I'm working on holiday to meet a certain much-delayed project
deadline. The so called smartphone and PC browser game from major
company who dispatched outsourced subcontractor programmer to
complete it.
Even black company doesn't normally commission one person for two
project. However the junior programmer disappeared on the verge of
release, leaving lots of bug and specification change! Deplorable!
Working in a place with high turnover rate, the only programmer
around is the junior and me. Having no means to anticipate the
situation, I'm forced to not only manage my own project, but also stuck
with my junior's doomed project.
"Alright, completed all the classes, I/O and comment entries, the rest is
auto documenter from source code, relation diagram and seriously
squashing the bugs.
I let my neck loose for a bit.
Surveying my surrounding, the office is full house on holiday like
Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
always. My neighbour, an outsourced person responsible for debugging,
is grumbling while working, but no one shift their focus. There is no
room for that. The surrounding designers and planners work silently
with hollow, dead fish-like eyes.
When I returned from getting some coffee, the monitor already finished
displaying the output material needed for debugging.
Even so, with no documentary to work with I can't get fired up.
It can't be helped if the junior who was thrown into OJT right away to
complains like he's dying. Among the 4 programmers who were present
when the junior entered the company half a year ago, only I remain, I'm
not even sure how many is it in the whole company.
"Sa... Suzuki-san, the client claim that difficulty of WW is too hard for
beginner, what do we do?"
You almost said Satou damn you. We've been in the team for half a year,
stop getting it wrong!
The overweight director and planner turn his head over here with his
usual troubled face.
Moreover, even though such troublesome thing arise, he somehow looks
happy. Why are there so many M's among developers?
WW is an abbreviation of the smartphone and PC browser game [War
World]. It's an orthodox strategy game with a bit of social aspect in it.
"Didn't they say that the main target market won't play it if we lower the
difficulty any more ?"
Yes, the current difficulty level was decided after great many meeting
with the clients. Those time-wasters were really a waste eh. Miserable.
"Why don't we use the canceled bonus for the first timer, the show all
Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
enemy on map and the 3 time map annihilation bomb? And give the
skilled guy who doesn't use it a rare title or such as a present for clear
"Since there's no time, let's go with that~. I'm counting on you for the
implementation Suzuki-san."
Mr. Overweight said it as carefree as ever.
"Waitaminute. I'm still debugging the smartphone MMORPG right now,
just give the OK to the client for now. There's no time to fix it if it gets
rejected due to poor implementation."
"OK. Will immediately tell them on the phone~"
The gigantic figure of Mr. Overweight disappear into the smoking area
with phone in hand.
I continue to work while silently muttering to myself.
The GO sign on Mr. overweight's office lit up, he's out eating junk food
on late night.
After correcting numerous superficial errors left behind by my junior, I
leave the rest to the debug team.
That remind me, what was the name again? It didn't usually come out
since I always call it MMO or Roleplay. Oh yeah, it's [Freedom Fantasy
World]. Because it's easy to mix up with WW's former name, [Fantasy
War World], no one called it with the proper name. When I think back
on it, the documentary marked it as FFW. Since we removed the
[Fantasy] from WW, nowadays it's not ambiguous though.
While the modification for WW goes on for a while, I'm sending the bug
I discovered from FFW to the debug team... All-nighter again today huh.
The checking continues until the next morning, Miraculously the client
program of the MMO-RPG is delivered.
Death March Chapter 1.1 – 1.10
Of course, probably there are still some bugs remaining, but since the
super weapon called [Update Patch] exists for net distributed programs,
there's no need to worry. I feel like I can hear booing from users but I'm
sleepy. While the debug team is working, I forwarded the modified exe
package of WW to Mr. overweight via intra-company mail, then I
retreated to the safe haven under my desk to sleep for the first time in 30
Ah, bliss. The funtime of a corporate slave. For now, sleep is justice!
Do you know what lucid dream is?
Being aware that you're inside your dream.
Right now, I'm in wilderness.
I'll stop since it looks like a line from Pol-san <TLN: I have no idea who>
Yep, wilderness. I guess it's okay to liken it with the American Grand
Why do I know that it's a dream?
One, because I remember sleeping under my desk. Another is because I
can see [Icon] for 4 on the lower right and [Menu] written on the upper-
right of my vision.
It looks like the thing on WW I worked on earlier.
However! This is the first time that I'm dreaming about the thing I
worked on during a debugging Death March. Though I'm not sure why
it's wilderness instead of my work room...
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