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Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
Chapter 161
Long Haochen felt something was different the moment Gao Yingjie
released Brilliant Body. He could feel from the depths of his
consciousness the light essence in the air overflow, rapidly concentrating
around Gao Yingjie. Long Haochen could even perceive slight
fluctuations in the light essence.
This was the second time Long Haochen had seen Brilliant Body, but
unlike last time, it was being used in battle. After that formidable ability
was unleashed, it seemed as if Gao Yingjie’s body itself had turned into
an enormous light gem, frantically absorbing the integrality of the light
essence present in the air.
Even though she was sent flying, Wang Yuanyuan didn’t sustain any
injuries because of Cai’er’s influence. When Gao Yingjie blocked her
Gigantic Divine Soul Shield, he was unable to use his full force and the
might of this blood-bound equipment that is already close to the
legendary tier was revealed, not only swaying Gao Yingjie, but also
protecting Wang Yuanyuan’s body.
On Gao Yingjie’s face appeared total astonishment. As his heavy sword
was pierced, he naturally felt that although Brilliant Body and the wings
made of condensed spiritual energy on his back had, with difficulty,
neutralized Cai’er’s attack, the ice cold piercing aura had penetrated into
the depths of his mind.
Even more shocking to Gao Yingjie was that he still had an intense
feeling of crisis.
In a split second, hundreds and thousands of white lights glowed from
Cai’er’s chest, erupting out. It was precisely the Thousand Strikes
Spiritual Stove. And these glowing lights from the Thousand Strikes
Spiritual Stove were completely concentrated on Gao Yingjie’s body
without scattering. That highly concentrated attack, further adding to
Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
the fact that Cai’er’s short dagger was performing another stab, left Gao
Yingjie unable to turn around even with his superior cultivation.
Brilliant Body’s formidable might appeared at that moment. In the blink
of an eye, a golden penetrative light came out, surprisingly condensing
before taking the shape of a golden armor. Regardless of whether it was
Cai’er’s Thousand Strikes Spiritual Stove or her dark golden dagger, all
of her repeated blows, letting out metallic sounds, were actually
uneffective. The powerful recoil even pushed Cai’er back. The golden
armor and the pair of wings made Gao Yingjie appear just like a large
angel, and although this kind of angel couldn’t be regarded as beautiful,
it was still awe-inspiring.
“To have forced me into using Brilliant Body, you have already done
pretty well. Long Haochen, receive my attack!” Under the effect of the
Saint Spiritual Stove, the other party could only direct his attacks at
Long Haochen. This was the undoubtable and enormous assistance
brought by the Saint Spiritual Stove in team battles.
Not even turning back to peek a glance at Cai’er, he stepped forward.
His basic brilliant armor made of Brilliant Body’s condensation was
something these little fellows at the fifth step were not capable of
A penetrating yellow flame appeared, giving off an illusory feel. This
flame did not appear blazing in the slightest, instead giving off a vague
stagnating sensation.
It was actually not the sunfire used formerly by Yang Wenzhao, but the
holy sacred fire using light as flame, a terrifying ability consuming 300
units of internal spiritual energy per second. If he hadn’t opened the
spiritual orifice when cultivating through the sixth step of Radiant
Knight, he wouldn’t have been able to use it. Simply said, the
supplementary power provided by the holy sacred fire had the same
might as a full-power Holy Sword. Holy Sacred Fire used in
combination with Brilliant Body, the two signature abilities of Temple
Knights of the seventh step were already displayed. This was the real
strength of a Temple Knight of the seventh step.
Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
At that moment, Gao Yingjie was at a distance of roughly ten meters
from Long Haochen, the heavy sword in his right hand pointing at him
and aiming his holy sacred flames just like a chain which was going
straight for him. At this very moment, a gaudy golden halo broke out
from Gao Yingjie. Behind him were Cai’er as well as Han Yu, who was
standing not far away and only felt his whole body heating up before
being pushed back, interrupting Storing Power at the same occasion.
In his capacity as a powerhouse of the seventh step, Gao Yingjie’s
perception was beyond comparison to these youths he was facing.
Everything occurring near him was incomparably clearer to him. Of
course, he also knew about Han Yu using Storing Power, and the fact he
didn’t try to interrupt him earlier was to make him use up more spiritual
energy. At the moment Han Yu’s Storing Power was near completion,
his consumption of spiritual energy higher than half, Gao Yingjie made
him lose all of his power with a push from his golden halo. The golden
halo, in itself, didn’t have any offensive power, but under its effect,
except from Long Haochen, everyone was pushed back. And more
alarming to them was that, because they saw he wanted to attack Long
Haochen, Haoyue and Lin Xin were putting great efforts into preparing
their defensive spells. However, under the effect of this golden halo, the
elemental shields they were preparing just disappeared noiselessly.
Lin Xin let these words slip out, “Element Obliterating Halo!”
Element Obliterating Halo was a spell that could make anyone under
the seventh step instantly crumble as well as interrupt elemental magic,
an effective spell against powerhouse summoners belonging to the
demon race.
But surprisingly, this Element Obliterating Halo, when used by Gao
Yingjie, also had a notable repelling effect, just like Resisting Ring of
Fire. More exquisite was the optimal course of action, leaving Long
Haochen without another choice but to take on this attack by himself.
Only in this instant did the youths comprising the soldier graded
Demon Hunt Squad #1 truly understand what a real powerhouse was.
Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
Without assistance from his companions, Long Haochen had to face Gao
Yingjie head on. However, he remained as cool-headed as before. The
Holy Filter Shield was, the same as the others, a spell, and as such,
disappeared under the effect of this Element Obliterating Halo. Now all
he could do was to resist firmly.
Taking a deep breath, Long Haochen made the golden liquid
surrounding his Saint Spiritual Stove quiver madly, both arms turning
into a golden color. The golden liquid kept flowing out, filling the air
above his two arms.
Bowing, he used Divine Obstruction.
Without possibility of dodging, he could only grit his teeth with his
arms stiff.
The holy sacred fire hit the Holy Spirit Shield, covering it with a dense
gold color. If he was facing real enemies, Gao Yingjie would only have
needed to let his holy sacred fire spread through the air, turning them all
into ashes. But at this moment, he was only trying to evaluate the
strength of these youths and nothing more, so he would naturally not
resort to such methods. The one he was the most interested in was Long
Haochen, the captain of this team. As this year’s Demon Hunt
Selection’s first position, what could his limits be?
Exquisitely controlling the holy sacred fire, he kept his attack going. The
moment Long Haochen could no longer resist, Gao Yingjie would
immediately cease.
The Holy Spirit Shield’s defense was truly formidable, even surpassing
Long Haochen’s former Radiant Shield. However, there was no way it
could withstand the holy sacred fire. Instantly spreading out, it aimed at
both of Long Haochen’s hands.
This time, there wasn’t an intense physical pain, but the pure light
essence gave him a scorching pain. Directly in contact with it, he could
feel its heat. It was a genuinely mild but overwhelming scorching heat.
Divine Throne Chapter 161-180
When Long Haochen’s liquid spiritual energy met with the holy sacred
fire, it felt as if it turned into fuel. Although the holy sacred fire was only
spread to his two arms, Long Haochen could only feel as if his body’s
defenses were all ignited.
In his chest, the Saint Spiritual Stove had turned dark, the liquid
spiritual energy in his body moving back and forth in an unstable state.
However, Long Haochen found out to his astonishment that, even in
this predicament, he could not sense any danger.
Long Haochen didn’t sense any danger, but in this split second, Gao
Yingjie did.
Right after his Element Obliterating Halo dispersed all magic from the
members of the Demon Hunt Squad #1 and the sacred holy fire’s attack
was aimed at Long Haochen’s Holy Spirit Shield, a torrential killing
intent immediately burst out from behind.
Cai’er’s purple hair faintly moved, dispersing around, and her
expressionless eyes turned grey. Emitting a deep blue aura all around,
she made the dark green dagger in her hand disappear and slowly
spread her two arms aside.
Outside the deep blue aura, the air five meters around suddenly turned
completely grey.
No one found out what this grey color was, but Gao Yingjie could
discover to his shock that, on his back, the killing intent transmitted was
almost completely pure.
Even if he was clad in the Brilliant Armor made with Brilliant Body and
further adding the burst of power from the holy sacred flame, he could
still feel that with the wind blowing behind, that heavenly killing intent
was unexpectedly full of holy aura and in complete tranquility.
This… What is this?!
Reacting almost instantly, Gao Yingjie immediately turned around and
happened to see that the one releasing it was Cai’er.
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