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Full Metal Panic!
Come Make My Day
By Shoji Gatoh
Translator: Shutazen
Editor: Moonfaerie24
It was only 14 hours after the battle in Nickelo, but there
had already been three online meetings in Amalgam.
“Then? What is the condition of Mister Silver?”
“In critical condition” Mister Kalium, Kalinin, answered to
Mister Gold’s question.
There were no feelings in his words; it was simply a tone of
voice which conveyed the truth. It had already been a few months
since Mister Gold had began corresponding with the Russian, and
he could tell there was no cynicism or jest in Kalinin’s words. He
was an effective commander of the Special Forces and an honest
warrior who devoted himself to his current situation. He had no
interest in politics or money; such was a “Fine Soldier”.
Mister Gold’s had devised a plan to attack his and
Leonard’s forces in the name of “support”. He had driven them
into a corner. Even if he complained of Gold’s deed at that meeting
he knew it would be meaningless. Simply by using conciliation or
threats the majority of the management was on Gold’s side.
Mister Kalium continued his report.
“He is currently in the outskirts of Acapulco receiving
medical treatment. Even if he was saved there are still prognostic
symptoms remaining. He can’t even stand by himself.”
“How unfortunate, for that youth. He was such a great
Murmuring such, Mister Gold sunk into his seat in the
online meeting room. With only voice communication his form
could not be seen by anybody else. Even then, he was careful not
to slacken the expression of his face.
The management who were in attendance were scattered
around the world. Gold was in the Far East- in Tokyo. In one of the
rooms in the upper buildings erected in Akasaka. If he walked a
few steps coming out of the meeting room, he was in a position to
easily look over to see the streets of Nakata in the afternoon from
the super bullet proof window.
He was Japanese.
From his face he was a man who held immense political
power, at the same time he was a patriot. He strongly regulated the
domestic terrorism, definitely not relinquishing control in case an
incident should occur. Even if he allowed the Behemoth to go
berserk in Tokyo, he would not allow nuclear terrorism. He was
also the one who acknowledged the transfer of the Behemoth to the
organization called A21, at the same time preparing a “safety
switch”. When necessary he would activate the self destruct switch.
In Gold’s thinking, he would have it go moderately berserk
heading to the city center at dawn, and then have the Behemoth
The number of “trivial” domestic terrorism incidents that
happened in the last year which he had managed to organize were
strongly influenced by Japan’s Security Department. Public Safety
officials were competent enough to have the responsibility of
scrupulously covering it up, attaining the post from their
successors through manipulation. Due to external crisis, the
dependable opinion of the person was labeled as a “traitor”.
No, practically all his colleagues were traitors. The world
consisted of scrambling and cheating each other. The survivor
would not superficially gain the wealth. That island country with
limited resources… it was a miracle that they had prospered those
50 years while being involved in conflicts. He had the
responsibility of having that miracle continue.
For that reason he made effective practical use of Amalgam.
Joining in that “Meeting of fixed game”, it was his patriotic
deed to make that initiative.
After finishing the detailed reports, Kalinin said, “We are
re-organizing our troops, and also his bodyguards and the
collection of information regarding the remnants of Mithril.”
“Fine. Where are you now?”
“Still at the hospital in Mexico.”
“Is that so? It’s good that you’re following him. We will
also pray for his safety.”
With his words of sympathy, a suppressed laugh was
leaked from a number of the management.
“The pursuit of the remnants of Mithril is also being
advanced. The aforementioned Submarine has already slipped
through the warning network of the United States, and it seemed
that they disappeared somewhere in the Pacific. Together with that
White Lambda Driver equipped AS. What a troublesome bunch.”
“They will show themselves somehow. It’s because they
will resist Amalgam till the end.”
Then one of the management, Mister Natrium, got in
“The problem is that white AS. It is similar to the case of
the Arbalest right? Destroying three Behemoths in a matter of
minutes, it is unexpectedly unbelievable.”
“It’s the truth” Gold said with an ill-humored voice. “But it
is regrettable to be surprised. In the combat with the enemy
equipped with a Lambda Driver, the Behemoth’s predominance
has been destroyed at once. We knew that beforehand.”
The strength of the Behemoth lied in its overwhelming
defense. If the Lambda Driver made the defense meaningless, no
matter how big it was, it would not be able to withstand the
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