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Simultaneity and Delay
Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy
Series Editor: James Fieser, University of Tennessee at Martin, USA
Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy
is a major monograph series from
Continuum. The series features first-class scholarly research monographs
across the field of Continental philosophy. Each work makes a major
contribution to the field of philosophical research.
Adorno’s Concept of Life,
Alastair Morgan
Badiou, Marion and St Paul,
Adam Miller
Being and Number in Heidegger's Thought,
Michael Roubach
Deleuze and Guattari,
Fadi Abou-Rihan
Deleuze and the Genesis of Representation,
Joe Hughes
Deleuze and the Unconscious,
Christian Kerslake
Deleuze, Guattari and the Production of the New,
edited by Simon O’Sullivan
and Stephen Zepke
Simon Morgan Wortham
Derrida and Disinterest,
Sean Gaston
Derrida: Profanations,
Patrick O’Connor
The Domestication of Derrida,
Lorenzo Fabbri
Encountering Derrida,
edited by Simon Morgan Wortham and Allison
Foucault’s Heidegger,
Timothy Rayner
Gadamer and the Question of the Divine,
Walter Lammi
Heidegger and a Metaphysics of Feeling,
Sharin N. Elkholy
Heidegger and Aristotle,
Michael Bowler
Heidegger and Logic,
Greg Shirley
Heidegger and Nietzsche,
Louis P. Blond
Heidegger and Philosophical Atheology,
Peter S. Dillard
Heidegger Beyond Deconstruction,
Michael Lewis
Heidegger, Politics and Climate Change,
Ruth Irwin
Heidegger’s Early Philosophy,
James Luchte
Idealism and Existentialism,
Jon Stewart
Kant, Deleuze and Architectonics,
Edward Willatt
Levinas and Camus,
Tal Sessler
Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology,
Kirk M. Besmer
Nietzsche, Nihilism and the Philosophy of the Future,
edited by Jeffrey Metzger
Nietzsche’s Ethical Theory,
Craig Dove
Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra,
edited by James Luchte
The Philosophy of Exaggeration,
Alexander Garcia Düttmann
Time and Becoming in Nietzsche’s Thought,
Robin Small
Sartre’s Phenomenology,
David Reisman
Who’s Afraid of Deleuze and Guattari?
Gregg Lambert
�½ižek and Heidegger,
Thomas Brockelman
�½ižek’s Dialectics,
Fabio Vighi
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