
(16232 KB) Pobierz
October 1987
The independent Dragon magazine
A composer at Ossett 1 8
George and Jonathan Cartwright offer a
personal view of the Ossett show, and some
helpful hints for Dragon Composer
Expensive so f t wa re f r o m A me ric a
graphics hint w h y no DragonDOS book?
Tandy DMP105 superseded w h e r e is
Peter Whittaker? S t y lo g ra p h suggestion
Tally mod v i d e o upgrade d i r e c t o r y
directive w h e r e are the birds?
Winners and losers 1 9
Gordon Lee looks at some of the entries to
the May competition, and has a few (three
letter) words to say about it
IT'S apologies month again this month.
Everything will be resolved, of course, by
the t ime you read th is, b u t I wo u ld ju st
like yo u to kn o w th a t my fi rst th o u g h t,
when I w a s t o l d t h a t Dra g o n U s e r
wo u ld n 't b e m a i l e d t i l l t h e 7 t h
September, w a s " Th e y ' ll ly n c h m e i n
What I can't tell you just yet is whether
they d id lyn ch me in Rochdale. I ca n 't
even plead with 'e m not to. It's too e a rly
for t'one and too late for Vother. All !can
say is that, well, we were a teeny bit late to
the p rin te rs. No t two wh o le weeks late,
but, we ll, late is late, isn 't it?
Trouble is, if you leave the o ffi ce for a
week. your hardworking friends and col-
leagues ca n d o o n e o f t wo th in g s: a )
something o r b ) n o th in g . B ) n o rma lly
causes fe we r p ro b le ms. No rma lly. Fo r-
tunately, the ghost o f the mu ch misse d
Barbora, wh o hid a few spare days in the
timetable, and the long suffering Artext
''send u s your d iscs and we 'll sh o w you
what you can do with'em" made sure that
we we re st u ck d o wn a n d p a rce lle d u p
rather less late than we would o th e rwise
have been,
By the way. it's a little known fact that
designers o f co mp u t e r ma g s g ra d u a lly
go insane. There are only so many things
you ca n do. visu a lly th a t is. wit h lit t le
black boxes. Editors don't, of course (,..
burble ...)
How to submit articles
The quality of the material we can publis h in
Dragon User each month will, to a very great ex-
tent depend on the quality of the discoveries that
you c an make wit h your Dragon. The Dragon
computer was launched on to the market with a
powerful version of Basic, but wit h very poor
Articles which are submitted to Dragon User
for publication should not be more than 3000
words long. All submissions should be typed.
Please leave wide margins and a double space
between each line. Programs should, whenever
possible, b e c bmput er printed on plain whit e
paper and be accompanied by a tape of the
We cannot guarantee to return every submit-
ted article or program. so please keep a copy. If
you want to have your program returned you must
include a stamped addressed envelope.
Dragon User back issues s o f t w a r e from
The Solver M a g b a s e pricelist d i s c s
from TDK e d i t o r sounds off again.
Expert's Arcade Arena 20
Introducing the famous Hacking Sheet, by
Paul Burgin.
Dragon Soft
Write: ADVENTURE 2 2
Is there something following you? If riot,
Pete Gerrard tells you how to obtain one,
and what to do with it.
Crazy N o l a from Computape G a l a c t i c
Gus from Cuickbeam P C Convert from
Compusense... Kararkazy from Preston...
Biorhythms from Occult.., and a retro.
Adventure Trail
Auto boot
Julian Osb o u rn e p u ts th e boot in — to
Mike G e rra rd t a ckle s Tangiewood a n d
Trekboer, while singlehandedly beating off
a wasp.
Two extra commands 1 0
R. G. Whittaker adds commands to invert
and scroll to Dragon Basic.
The Answer
How many angles in a triangle? Are you
sure? Ask Gordon Lee
Gordon L e e s o wn solution t o t h e Ju ly
John Penn Software are organising a 6809
Show in London at the Great Hall, the Con-
naught Ro o ms, A ld wych o n S a tu rd a y
December 5th. More news next month.
Scopy for SuperDOS 1 2
Stuck with a single disc drive? Martyn Ar-
mitage devises a routine to copy from disc
to disc under SuperDOS without tears.
Down in the Dumps 1 6
Just one this month. for the Tandy DMP 110
dot matrix printer.
Telephone n u mb e r
(All departments)
Production Editors
Editorial Secretary
Advertisement Manager
Ad min istra tio n
Marketing Manager
Brian Cadge is on holiday.
Managing Editor
Publishing Dire cto r
UK £14 for 12 issues
Overseas (surface) E20 for 12 issues
ISSN 0265177: Telex: 296275
Dragon User, 12113 Little Newport Street.
London WC2H 7PP
US address: cto Business Press International,
205 East 42nd St, New York, NY 10017
Published by Scot Press Ltd.
Scot Press 1987
Typesetting and Production by Artext Limited,
London NW1.
Printed by Headley Brothers Ltd. Ashford, Kent
Registered at the Post Office as a newspaper.
Dragon and its logo are trademarks of
Eurohard Ltd
L e t t e r s
T h i s
WHILE re a d in g D U A u g u st
1986 I ca me across an ite m
called Graphics by J,H.Plester
in Dragon Answers. So here is
something f o r Mr. Plester to
add to it:
10 PMODE 2.1:SCREEN 1.0
20 POKE 8,1-IFF22,(PEEK
(8,1-IFF22)AND 6)
15 DATA 121.12,12,12,12,12,
30 GOTO 10
(8,1-IFF23)AN D
(&FIFF20)AN D 7)
20 POKE 8,1-IFF22.(PEEK
(841-IFF.19)AND 8)
(&FIFF18)AND 9)
20 POKE 8,1-IFF22,(PEEK
(8,1-IFF15)AND 2)
there's any complaints about
the above, please contact o r
phone me . A n d co u ld J . H.
Plester. and Simon of Crawley
Hill Fa rm wh o wa n te d h e lp
with S y z y g y g e t i n t o u ch .
Sorry. Simon.
Paul lasikiewicz
40, Sidlay Avenue
Parr St. Helens
WA9 2B0
Helens) 611827 (between
4 and 4.30pm).
COMMERCIAL support for the
Dragon is not very good to put
mild ly, although so me in -
teresting n e w n a m e s a n d
items have appeared of late.
One t h in g I h a v e n o t ice d
though i s i f so me o n e s a y s
there i s a sp e cia l n e e d f o r
some p a rticu la r p ro g ra m o r
item, especially in your pages,
seems to spark somewhere
"I can produce that!" from
So what's the point of this?
Well I have spotted a market
and I want someone to fill
T h e books-on-anything-
computer phase ended as the
DRAGONDOS appeared o n
the scene, a n d t h e ma n u a l
2 Dragon User October 1987
Every month we will be shelling out a game or two,
courtesy of Microdeal, to the reader/s
who send the most interesting or
entertaining letters. So send
us your hints and your opinions,
send us your hi-scores and
suggestions. Send us your
best Dragon stories. What
d"you think we are,
mind readers?!
There's gold in them
thar bills!
AS new software is now almost extinct I would like to pass on
my experience of obtaining software direct from Canada and
America. Payment can easily be arranged on any of the major
credit cards.
I ordered Gantelet and Paper Route from Canada by phone
at about 9pm in the UK. Due to the time difference it was early
afternoon in Canada. The games took about 1 month to arrive.
They both ran without conversion on a Dragon 64 except if you
use the keyboard mode instead of using the joystick as the
keyboard scan is different. although this can be overcome by
using different keys.
The main drawback is that the games cost about E30 each
including shipping. Custom duties and charges add another
E5 when they enter this country.
I hopethe above information may prove useful to anyone think-
ing of ordering direct from an American or Canadian source.
R.K. Osborne
18A Northdown Avenue
AND who has recently inherited their aunty's estates
well, that should stop folk complaining about the cost of
new software here for a bit.
Anyone who is this dedicated deserves one tree tape, I
reckon, but we would be interested to hear from anyone
who has a (legitimate) method of getting compatible soft-
ware from the USA without having to pay E35 a shot!
supporting i t i s a b ysma l. I
would like a good book on this
peripheral, starting with sim-
ple use and programming, ful-
ly covering file handling in an
easy t o fo llo w ma n n e r wit h
plenty o f short example pro-
grams. a n d g o i n g o n t o
memory maps etc. I a m sure
there is more than one person
out there with the knowledge
and skill to write such a book.
and a market for it once writ-
ten. P e rh a p s Su n sh in e w i l l
take you up and do the actual
publishing??? If not I see no
reason wh y it needn't b e in
printed, p h o t o c o p ie d . o r
duplicated f o rm. Y o u mig h t
even make a bit of money!
Philip Beed
27 Findon Road
Hants P012 4EP
I mig h t se e th e DMP 1 0 6 a t
work, t o wh ic h h e re p lie d ,
'Sorry! T h a t m o d e l w a s
discontinued a t Ch rist ma s. '
The printer has been replaced
by the DMP106, but the price
has increased considerably to
El 69.95.
The re vie w n o w se e me d
rather pointless a n d a s yo u
can i m a g i n e I a m v e r y
Now a f t e r t h e co mp la in t:
please can you give any infor-
mation as to where I ma y ob-
tain Buzzard Bait by Tom Mix?
The o n ly co p y I h a ve se e n
locally is at Tandy's and that
was for the CoCo and wo u ld
not even load into the Dragon.
As th is is one o f the games
recently u n d e r r e v i e w b y
Dragon User, I wondered if you
can supply a source?
Dennis Wright
37 Moor Drive
Derby DE2 ODO
NOW, dang my eyes, but I'll
be da rne d i f I c a n fi nd a
review o f Bu z z ard B a i t
around t h e o l d pla c e j us t
now. T h e r e 's o n e i n m y
brown paper bag p e r h a p s
we'll run it. But the word is
that Microdeal. who used to
sell it, no longer do so, s o
unless you can beg, borrow
or steal one , it's no longer
Help with old
I H A V E re ce n t ly b e e n e x -
perimenting with Coding the
Words, P e t e r Wh i t t a k e r' s
Word P r o c e s s o r i n t h e
September 1 9 8 5 i s s u e o f
Dragon User. I think it is an ex-
cellent p ro g ra m and if mo re
software lik e t h is h a d b e e n
available commercially earlier
on, the Dragon would still be
selling in its thousands today.
However, I h a ve t wo p ro -
blems and would be grateful if
Peter o r o n e o f yo u r o t h e r
readers could assist. Firstly, I
am not a very good touch typist
and would like to increase the
auto repeat delay so that I do
not repeeeeeeated le e e e e t-
ters; is there some location I
can POKE with a longer delay?
The second problem is more
difficult, when I save to disc.
after entering the 8 character
WELL, money is something
there isn't a lot of about. as
we all know, but you never
know, d o you? Just out of
idle c ur i os i ty . I s t h e r e
anyone Out the re w ho ha s
the onions to write a book
like this?
Out of print
HAVING re a d w i t h in te re st
your review Take Ten Printers
in the Ju ly edition o f Dragon
User. I wa s ve ry impressed
with the report on the Tandy
DMP105 b y Ia n Ma rtin . H e
suggested t h a t t h e c o m -
petitive price is M O . but has
since been reduced to 0 9 .9 5 .
With this information in mind I
paid visit to my lo ca l Ta n d y
shop. I asked the salesman if
file name followed by E NTE R)
the disc motor starts. the busy
light comes on, the head moves
and i t sta ys like th is f o r 1 0
minutes or more until I pressthe
•:RESET) button; on checking
the directory, no file has been
written. If I try to load a file, any
file, the program crashes with
an FM e rro r. I presume that
Peter uses a different disc con-
troller and that he is making
calls to routines which reside in
different locations, I should be
most grateful fo r any help in
converting the program, even if
it is onlya list of the disc routine
calls used by Peter.
Mrs Bernice Hennessy
The Firs
8 Towcester Rd
Blisworth Northampton
lost touch with Peter after ef-
fo rts to locate h im. Perhaps
another reader can help.
disc (with the Debugger) in /DO
and the Stylo in /D1
S LOAD /clitornds/stylo
L stylo
+ 012E
- 8C
L stylo
+ 3F4F
. 12
• 12
= 12
- 12
SAVE Idlicmds/stylomod stylo
DEL /di kmds/stylo
VERIFY / c 1 1 / c m d s / s t y l o .
mod >/d1/cmds/stylo
DEL idlicmds/stylo. mod
ATTR /di /cmds/stylo e pe
The process for the Mail Merge
is the same with the addresses
+ 00F3 and + 191D.
I hope that this change will be
a definitive solution for this pro-
blem. Apologies for my English.
Thank you for you attention.
Pedro M. Pascual Uriguen
Santaines Kalea 6-8
20600 Eibar (Gipuzkoa)
Euskadi Spain
Better video?
SINCE the Dragon came out,
people are trying to upgrade it
to give it a better video perfor-
mance. The Tandy Coco has
managed it by having a raster
memory system by Motorola in-
stalled, the Dragon got stuck by
having a n o u t o f date video
Co mp u se n se w i t h i t s
upgrade board had better used
the NEC7220 instead of an out
of date MC6845, then when all
is in RAM, one could modify the
Basic to use the 7220 to full
a) 128 columns x 72 lines, more
then A4 page (using an A4 or
double A4 monitor by ETAP,
b) High resolution of 768 x 576
pixels, better than Atari ST or
Amiga or IBM PS/2
c) U s i n g a n a l o g v i d e o ,
unlimited colours, CAD/CAM
d) 128K Video RAM used bythe
7220 only. not interfering with
the Dragon's own 64K, etc., or
having a complete new RAM
board.of 1Mb.
For quite a while a British firm
called Micro Concepts has had
another solution: Microbox II.
One can order it as a kit or as
a complete package, take your
pick, they can be reached at 2
St. Stephen Ro a d , Chelten-
ham, G lo u ce st e rsh ire G L 5
IAA, phone (0242) 510525.
Maarten 'AMJ Van Wamelen
is the minimum number of sec-
tors allocated to a file. See page
6-4 (4th paragraph)of the OS-9
S yste ms P r o g r a m m e r s
Manual. If the file is shorter that
8 sectors then when the file is
closed, these extra sectors are
de-allocated from the file. If you
have two or more files open for
writing simultaneously and you
have altered the device descrip-
tor as Mr Dalgleish suggest you
could get a 'Segment List Full'
error due to excessive fragmen-
tation of the files. This byte is
therefore best left as it is. The
p ro g ra m R e a d D D w o r k s
perfectly well anyway.
To check the cluster size, try
using the FREE command. This
d isp la ys t h e c l u s t e r s i z e
amongst its output.
P D Smith
University Hall
Birchwood Road
Pen ylan
CF2 5 YB
spaced Stylo
I am a Spanish member of the
OS-9 Use r Group and su b s-
criptor of your good magazine.
I write you about the article of
David Rothery and the correc-
tion of the double space prin-
ting w i t h t h e S t ylo g ra p h
Well, ma kin g t h e ch a n g e
that he proposes the printing is
correct wit h b o th S t ylo a n d
MM. Bu t if you try to use the
MM with the screen. it doesn't
work properly and in addition
both programs dfon't respond
to the Xmode set ups.
The problem of the double
space p rin tin g , i n b o th p ro -
grams, comes from the use of
a system calling. The charac-
ters are sent to the printer one
by one, with a ISWrite calling.
This calling doesn't allow line
editing, and to end a line it is
necessary to send a CR + LF
sequence. T h i s ca u se s t h e
double space printing ignoring
the Xmode set ups.
To avoid this dreaded pro-
blem I h a v e ch a n g e d t h e
ISWrite calling b y a ISWrilLn,
which allows line editing. and I
have nullified the LF sequence
with N O P instructions. Wit h
this change in both programs
the printing is correct on the
printer a n d t h e screen, a n d
always follows the Xmode set
up conditions.
This is the process to make
the changes with the systems
Quick Tally
I WAS very interested to read
your article on printer and I myself
own the Mannesman Tally 80 +
and have found the variety of
print modes and character sets to
be very useful in writing technical
reports for my degree course at
the local polytechnic.
It can be found if the top ocver
is removed, that on the left under
the input card are two sockets
marked Ram 1 & Ram 2, the card
is held in place by two screws and
should be removed b y lifting it
directly upwards as it is plugged
into the board below. now if two
6116 memory chips are fitted in
these sockets then the input buf-
fer will be increased to 4K (as op-
posed to only 112 bytes which is
the standard). The cost of the
chips is only about £4.50 and this
included the postage and putting
the chips into the sockets can be
done by all but the very clumsiest
of oafs_
I hope this information will be
of interest to your readers.
Thanks and a
FIRSTLY may I thank yourselves
for your backing and continual
support for Dragon owners. It is
organisations su ch a s yo u rs
that help keep o u r fa mily o f
Next I would like to thank the
Hardware and Software Busi-
nesses f o r su p p lyin g t h e se
owners with their necessary fod-
der if you will excuse the term.
Finally I must congratulate all
the owners of Dragon and Tan-
dy (n e ve r fo rg e t t h e Ta n d y
owners) Machines for not discar-
ding their computers in pursuit of
poxy (forgive me if 'poxy' is a bit
strong) ma c h in e s s u c h a s
Sinclair — say no more, Atari
etc.. It is the owners themselves
whom deserve congratulating as
they keep a computer alive and
I am sure they will continue to
support their suppliers.
Could I please ask you to print
my name and address along with
this letter so I can get in touch
with other Dragon owners and
swap games_ tips, and for the
female contingent — telephone
3 Lynmetestraat
Oedelem 8330
THANK you for publishing the
article Into the Directory in the
May issue, and forthe program
However I feel I should point
Out t o P a u l Da lg le is h , a
misunderstanding he has. He
comments t h a t t h e d e v ic e
descriptors are set up for 8 sec-
torclusters and so Dragon discs
will not read directly. In fact the
0 5 -9 device descriptors do not
contain a n y reference to the
cluster size. This is chosen by
the format program and written
onto the identification sector of
the disc. The byte Mr Dalgleish
specifies t o ch a n g e sh o u ld
have n o effect a t a ll o n th e
operation of the program. The
byte referred to is called the
'Segment Allocation Size' and
C. Httchinson
2 Newington Rd
Cleveland TS4 3ED
Steve Clements
397 The Heathway
Shard End
B34 6QN
WHY's that, ay? Fink only the
birds have telephones do yer?
What about us chaps. then?
Ay? Ay?
October 1987 Dragon User 3
PSI bought thechips from Gran-
data Ltd. for E1.60p + VAT + 50p
postage. The address can be
found in Practical Electronics.
News desk
New disc set to
THE la d y with a 3 inch d isc
clinging to her ear is part of a
new advertising campaign by
TDK, already we ll known fo r
their video and audio cassette
TDK haven't made itclear yet
whether the new range will in-
clude 3.25in o r 5in discs, but
TDK magnetic tape is already a
byword for good quality, sothey
could become a major force in
the disc market in future.
But they are not likely to start
any t re n d s i n t h e e a rrin g
SIMON 'The Solver' Hargrave
would like t o announce t h e
release o f h is n e w range o f
adventure games.
'As I have the reputation of
The Solver' you will not expect
them to be easy!' writes Simon
The titles are as follows:
Starc rash — a space adven-
ture in which you are trapped on
a hostile planet with a sinisher
The King's Quest — 'an in-
direct continuation of Starcrash'.
You are trapped in a castle on
12th century Earth at the mercy
of a mad king.
The Quest for the Meaning
of Life Y o u have control over
four characters, and must use
them to find the answer to the
meaning of life.
All the games will run on a
Dragon 32 or 64. Simon is cur-
rently working on Tandy conver-
sions. T h e g a me s a ll h a ve
mobile creatures and p la y in
real t ime , e xce p t Starcrash,
which u se s mo ck re a l time .
There are various little addi-
tions to the keyboard parset, in-
cluding a orange/green option
from the Break key, and a printer
history of your moves by using
SHIFT and the UP arrow. But
again, not on Starcrash.
The adventures cost £5 each
(including post and packing.
Allow 28 days for delivery) from
Simon Hargrave, Crawley Hill
Farm. Uley, Dursley, Glos. G ilt
Simon a lso se lls so lu tio n
sheets f o r ma n y adventures.
They cost 20p each. Send an
SAE t o S i m o n f o r m o r e
in f o rma t io n .
SINCE I have a couple of spare
column inches this looks like a
good time for me, your Editor. to
offer both an apology and an ap-
peal to DU's loyal and patient
subscribers, The subject of en-
quiries from beleaguered users
raised its head today in theform
of a mild g ru mb le fro m o n e
reader who had "sent in queries
with th e appropriate 'coupon'
but n e ith e r we re p rin te d o r
acknowledged". a n d another
from a hopeful who had enclos-
ed an Adventure Trail coupon
with a stamped self-addressed
envlope, asking for a reply.
Well, nothing makes me hap-
pierthan a readerwhocontacts
this office with a heart fullof woe.
and goes away happy, as the
lucky ones will testify. If we get
a letter —or a call, but letters are
more likely to reach the right
person — and we can supply
the answer, then we jolly well do.
even if we have to sit on it for a
long time. And if none of the con-
tributors can supply an answer
directly, enquiries are re-routed
to Communications. Adventure
Helpline or the letters page
The D r a g o n i s a l i t t l e
magazine with a little staff (most
of those good people with their
names on the flannel panel run
the company rather than the
magazine) and for this reason
we have never, ever, at least not
since w e l l b e fo re m y t ime ,
undertaken to reply personally
to letters, no matter how many
SAEs arrivewith'em. Nordo we
run any kind of coupon system
for replies. Everything which ar-
rives h e re o n a CO MMS o r
ADHELP coupon gets listed in
the n e xt available issu e o f
Dragon User, just like it says on
thecoupon. Afterthat, it'sin the
hands of you, gentle readers.
Likewise, Mr. Gerrard is the
only one of our contributors who
offers a readers' service, and
that only involves the adventure
help sheets. This is still strictly
at his discretion, because the
Mine Workers and Computer
Journalists Act of 1983 states
that we are not allowed to keep
workers in a deep dark hole and
make them slave for a pittance
Dragon User back issues
FOLLOWING t h e la u n ch o f
Pulser Software's database pro-
gram Magbase, with an optional
Dragon User index, this seems
like a good time to print a list of
DU back issue still available.
We h a ve sma ll quantities
(u n d e r 2 0 c o p i e s ) o f t h e
August 1 9 8 3 , D e c e mb e r
1983. Fe b ru a ry 1984. Ma rch
1984, Ma y 1984, Ju n e 1984.
August 1984, September 1984,
October 1984, November 1984,
January 1985, February 1985,
Ma rch 1 9 8 5 , J u n e 1 9 8 5 ,
November 1985. January 1986,
February 1986. Ma rch 1986,
May 1986.
We have substantial quan-
titie s (o v e r 5 0 c o p ie s ) o f
September 1985, De ce mb e r
1985, April 1986, August 1986,
September 1986, October 1986,
November 1986. De ce mb e r
1986 (which contains adverts
from virtually every supplierstill
in the Dragon market, including
one or two recent drop-outs, and
as su ch i s a useful wo rk o f
reference) and all 1987 issues.
We have a very small number
of September 1983. November
1983, January 1984, April 1984,
July 1984 and July 1986. Don't
order those d r o p the Editor a
line if you want copies, and we
will check with the warehouse
and let you know, after which we
will deal with any orderson afirst
come first serve basis. This will
help us to avoid losing track of
orders for issues which may or
may not be in stock.
Backnumbers o f Dra g o n
User cost £1.25 regardless of
quantity or rarity! Please send
anyorderstothe usual address,
making payments out to Scot
Press Ltd.
Magbase price list
HERE isa full list of pricesforthe
different versions of Pulser Soft-
ware's Magbase:
Tape version: £1.99; disc Ver-
sion: E2.99; tape version with
Dragon User files: E2.99; disc
version with Dragon User files:
E3.99; Dragon User hard copy
only: E1.99; tape version + DU
files + Du hard copy: E3.99; disc
version + DU files + hardcopy:
E4.99. Post and packing is 50p,
except forthe DU hard copy on-
ly, wh e re it is 25p. Overseas
4 Dragon User October 1987
postage is E1.25.
Cheques should be crossed
and ma d e payable to Pulser
Software a t 3 6 Foxhill, Hig h
Crompton, S h a w. O ld h a m,
Lanes OL2 7NO.
The d i s c v e r s i o n s a r e
available f o r D ra g o n D o s .
CumanaDos 2 . 0 a n d De lta
Dos. so specify which version
you want.
We understand thatthere are
also index fi le s available fo r
Dragon Update.
WE RE still hoping Mr. John
Carmel will contact u s about
another reader who was trying
to get a letter to him.
If you have any new products for the Dragon — software or hardware —
ring the News Desk on 01-437 4343
until their fingers drop off. We
do it anyway, but we have to
keep up appearances.
Gordon Lee isn't allowed to
discuss co mp e titio n re su lt s
with a n yo n e (wh ic h i s t h e
universal rule for competition
organisers), and although he
has been known to courteous-
ly a p o lo g ise f o r o u r typ o s.
these a re normally corrected
in subsequent issues.
The a p p e a ra n c e o f a
'Secretary' on o u r front page
leads a fe w hopeful souls to
picture m e , f e e t o n d e s k,
carelessly dictating missive s
to a fast-fingered assistant.
Wrong. T h e f a st -fi n g e re d
assistant is tied up typing out
this your regular magazine for
the typesetters, i n between
answering the phone and be-
ing shouted at by people who
want stationery. S h e is con-
cerned with nothing so humble
as typing letters. If I want a let-
ter typed. I type it myself. If the
W/P isn 't tie d u p o n official
business. Which is why those
of you who do get a reply usual-
with a s ma n y queries a s we
ly get a comp slip scribbled in
can. Please don't feel neglec-
what looks like red biro. (It's ac-
ted if you d o n 't hear from us
personally. And yes, it is worth
Wally blood flowing from under
my careworn fingernails. Jour-
chasing if you have something
nalists a lwa ys writ e in t h e ir
you a re concerned about, in
own blood, because its cheap,
case it has gone astray. Write,
refillable, and doesn't need a
or call 'n' leave a message. Live
dangerously! B u t d o n 't a s k
So. we are sorry we can't of-
them where I am. Some things
fer a slicke r readers' service.
it is better for humankind not to
but it wa s .
know, and they usually don't_
Now if you'll excuse me . I
getting another assistant o r
must go and write a couple of
keeping c
c h o i t h e ma g a zin e o n ,
y'see...we will g o o n coping
b e t
w e e
New software for review should be sent to Dragon User
Program: Dragon/PC Convert
Supplier: Compusense
Price: E24.95
HOME computers have been
around long enough n o w for
everyone to have seen, played,
and usually lost interest in, most
forms of computer game. Hav-
ing exhausted the seemingly
endless supply of games, most
people sit down and begin to
wonder to what practical use
they can put their beloved micro
to. It is at this time that most peo-
ple realise that for any 'real' ap-
plication the Dragon has many
shortcomings su ch a s p o o r
communications ability, awful
screen display, slo w working
speed. lack of software etc., and
with the increasing number of
desk-top co mp u t e rs fi n d in g
their way into offices, more and
more p e o p le a re b e co min g
aware of just what is possible
with a decent micro. It is due to
these and other reasons that
many home computer users are
either using their Dragons to
prop doors open and forgetting
computers completely o r are
going o u t a n d b u y i n g
something wit h a little mo re
The popular choices at the
moment seem to be either the
Atari STs or the ubiquitous IBM-
PC or one of its many clones.
But there are asmall number of
people who still keep the old
Dragon handy simply because
they have so much software or
data for it. Having had to change
computers several times in the
past myself, !know that it can be
12-13 Little Newport Street, London WC2H 7PP.
A PC when you need
very frustrating when you face a
programming problem to which
you already have the solution on
an *old' ma ch in e . We ll n o w
thanks t o Compusense's P C
Convert packages it is a simple
matter for you to copy them over
to your new pride and joy(?).
There are currently two Con-
vert packages available, one will
tra n sfe r Dra g o n DO S fi l e s
(either dBASic Or TeXT) to the
IBM PC or one of its many com-
patibles. The packages are so
easy to use that there is little to
say about them!
Usin g Co n v e rt p ro g ra m
couldn't be easier, you simply
boot the PC and run it. A menu
is displayed giving options that
allow you to select the target
path-name. target d isc d rive
number, show the source disc
d ire cto ry e t c . , m a k e y o u r
choices, p u t t h e Dra g o n -
DOS/FlexDOS disc in one PC
drive, aformatted PC disc in the
other d rive a n d ma k e yo u r
selection from the disc directory
displayed. The drives whirr, the
cursor blinks, and voila! your
precious file is now available as
a PC format text file.
For someone moving up (?) to
a PC these programs are simp-
ly essential. Those of you who
have decided to stay with your
Dragon will not be interested in
this review anyway (And I don't
care!). If you have bought a PC
then buy PC Convert!
Put your left arm
Program: Crazy Foota
Supplier: Computape
Price: E2.99
Notes: Available on cassette
and Dragon DOS ffor Dragon 32
and 64. Requires two players.
IT was very appropriate that this
game should arrive on the day
that the English football season
kicks off. If there's anyone out
there who hasn't twigged yet.
then I'll tell you that Crazy Foote
is a football game, OK?
It is also an unusual football
game, in that it's not like Cham-
The object of the game is to
score as manygoals as you can
against your opponent within a
set time. To select a player, you
move an arrow on your side of
the screen using a joystick, then
lett/right to move the player. This
process takes a whileto master.
The fire botton kick is the ball in
the direction which the joystick
is facing. This allows you to pass
the ball or shoot.
The g a m e i s p la y e d i n
PMODEtt, and becausethere is
nocolour it is hard to distinguish
between your own players and
the opposition. However_ if you
look closely one team has its
right hands up in the air. and the
other team has its left hands up,
which makes all the players look
as if they are about to do a
Highland Fling.
There are eleven players in
eachteam, wh ich me a n s 2 2
pions o r Football Manager,
where yo u decide the club's
moves and if all goes well and
the odds are on your side you'll
have a good chance of winning.
In Crazy Foote you control your
team and battle away with the
other team, controlling all the
players a n d sco rin g a ll t h e
SEC IPIE 5 0 0 0
0000 E L I D E I r ' t
1 E O M P 1 0 1 1 P F E
'A tL F
Roy Coates
0 g IF PI g
October 1987 Dragon User 5
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