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Marek Krajewski
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56 y/HOOS
Krajewski Marek,
Kultury kultury popularnej
[Cultures of Popular Culture],
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza (Adam Mickiewicz
University Press), wyd. II, Poznań 2005, Seria Socjologia nr 34. Pp. 340. ISBN
83-232-1255-4. ISSN 0554-8225. Polish text with a summary in English.
The main aim of this book is an analysis of the forms in which popular culture is be­
ing realised nowadays, an analysis which is also treated as a contribution to a reflec­
tion on contemporary times. The author offers Buch an interpretation of popular cultu­
re in which it is treated as modem culture, very complex and dominant. The essence of
popular culture is providing individuals with socially differentiated pleasures.
The first part of the book contains a critical presentation of the hitherto ways of ana­
lysing popular culture in social sciences and an analysis of transformations which po­
pular culture bas undergone. The consequence of technological, political, economic
and social changes is “popularization” of reality, that is subordination of most of our
life’s spheres to rules which so far controlled leisure time, entertainment and con­
sumption. Today popular culture determines principles of social life and goals of indi­
viduals, sanctions systems of values,' determines appropriate ways of getting to know
the reality. It establishes the filter through which we perceive the world and one another.
The second part of the book contains analyses of selected trends of popular culture:
fashions for aliens and ambivalence, performing and watching acts of cruelty and vio­
lence, repetition and return to the past, of complete transparenty of public and pri­
vate life and return to the favours of the sense of smell and odours.
Marek Krajewski, Uniwersytet im.'Adaipa'Jíickiewicza, Wydział Nauk Społecznych,
ul. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-569 Poznan, Poland.
■ZT.4 9 8 3 2 8
p r o f d r hab. Aldona Jaw łow ska
@ C o p y rig h t b y M a rek K r a je w sk i 2 0 0 3
N a o k ła d c e : reprodukcja obrazu Rafała Bujnowskiego, bez tytułu;
wł. Galeria „Raster”
Projekt okładki i stron tytułowych:
M agdalena i Robert Broniszewscy
H alina Oszmiańska
Redaktor techniczny:
Dorota Borowiak
M ieczysława M akarowicz
Łamanie komputerowe:
Krystyna Jasińska
ISBN 83-232-1255-4
ISSN 0554-8225
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin