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A: How’s single life?
B: It’s ok. It’s relaxing. It’s nice having the place to myself, but it can be kind of lonely at
times. I don’t have any “friends with benefits” anymore either.
A: Why don’t you go hit up some clubs this weekend? This city is flooded with tons of hot
single girls.
B: Clubs aren’t my scene at all. I always seem to get too wasted andstrike out when I go.
A: Come on man, everyone gets rejected sometimes. Don’t think too much. You’ve just
got to put yourself out there and things will be fine.
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
How’s single life:
This is a common question you ask someone who is recently single.
Often this person recently broke up with their girlfriend or boyfriend. It can also be asked to
someone who’s been divorced for a while. (When someone gets into a long term
relationship, we often say, “how’s married life” even if the person isn’t actually married)
It’s nice having the place to myself:
In other lessons we talked about someone’s “place”
being their house or their apartment. If you “Have the place to yourself” it means you are
living alone or staying alone for that time.
You could say, “My wife is out of town so I’m going to have the place to myself this
weekend. You guys should come over and play poker”
A high school kid could say, “My parents are going on a trip next month and I’ll have the
place to myself. We should throw a huge party”
Friends with benefits:
This is a very common term to talk about a guy and a girl who are
friends, but they sometimes sleep together for fun. They are not in a serious relationship at
all, but they maybe both single and just want to have someone they trust to sleep with
Hit up the clubs:
If you “hit up” the clubs, it means that you go to clubs.
Is flooded:
In slang English, if a place is “flooded” with something, it means that the place
has a huge amount of that thing.
That club is flooded with hot girls on the weekends.
My school is flooded with idiots.
Not my scene:
If some place, activity, or group of people, is “not your scene” it means that
you don’t like it or feel comfortable with it.
Clubs are not my scene.
Steve is a cool guy but a lot of the people he hangs out with aren’t really my scene.
Wasted is just getting really drunk.
I am only drinking beer tonight. I know I’ll get too wasted if I start drinking vodka.
Strike out:
If you “strike out” in a situation it means that you failed. We often use this in a
dating context.
I cooked a romantic dinner for Kim last night but still somehow totally struck out.
I struck out after only about 20 seconds of talking to that girl.
Get rejected:
If you “get rejected” it means that you tried to get a phone number, a date, a
kiss, or something, but the other person didn’t accept.
Put yourself out there:
If you “put yourself out there” it means that you put yourself in a
situation where you might be successful.
If you are looking to meet a girl or a guy, going to a club is one way of “putting yourself out
If you are looking for a new job, then telling your friends and handing out resumes is
“putting yourself out there”.
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