Mere Players.pdf

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Mere Players
A Windcaller Studios Game
You wake up surrounded by darkness. Suddenly, a spotlight illuminates the area
around you, and you find that you are standing on a stage. On either side are people
you’ve never met before.
You and the people with you are dressed in strange costumes.
A voice comes from the darkness, where the audience would be. It is a cold,
twinkling voice, like broken glass. There is magic in it.
“Begin the play!”
And it begins. The scene changes around you, and you know the role you must play.
It all seems so real. But something isn’t right.
Looking out into the audience, you see glowing eyes staring back at you.
They are strangely hungry.
How to Start 
You’ll need at least 3 players to play Mere. However, the more players you have, the
more fun it will be!
The players will be divided into two teams: Fae, and Dreamers.
Designate a part of the room as The Stage. The Dreamers must stay in this part of
the room, except when sequencing Acts.
At the beginning of the game, deal four cards to each player from the appropriate
deck (Fae Deck for Fae, Dreamer Deck for Dreamers).
The players then each play one card in sequence to decide the flow of the First Act,
alternating between Fae and Dreamers. Scene cards are played face up, but other
cards in the sequence must be played face down. Cards played before a scene card
effect that scene. When three scene cards have been played, no more cards may be
The Game is divided into three Acts.
How to Win 
The Fae are directing the play. Their objective is to drain the Dreamers of their
memories before they can wake, trapping them in the dream forever.
The Fae can only drain memories that have been unlocked by the Dreamers.
Draining memories is accomplished by playing Spell cards. These Spell cards have
rules on them that the Fae can impose upon the Dreamers. (Example: Speak in a
high voice for the next scene) If one of the Dreamers breaks a rule, The Fae who
played it may drain a memory. If the Fae is able to accurately guess the word of
power a Dreamer is trying to evoke before he or she can evoke it, he or she must say
“What fools these mortals be!” The Fae must then write the word on a slip of paper
and show it to the Dreamer. If it is correct, the Fae may drain an unlocked memory
from the Dreamer. The Fae win if they have either drained all the Dreamers of their
memories or if there is only one remaining Dreamer at the end of an Act, and if that
Dreamer has no unlocked memories.
The Dreamers’ objective is to wake from the dream by unlocking their memories.
Dreamers can unlock their memories by using certain words in conversation, called
“words of power.” Each Dreamer starts with one word of power, and may only draw
a new one when the first one has been spoken. Each word spoken in conversation
unlocks a memory. Whenever a Dreamer unlocks a memory, he or she must say “And
this weak and idle theme,” and all (including the Fae), must respond “Is no more
yielding but a dream.”
If a Dreamer still has at least one unlocked memory at the end of an Act, the
Dreamers win, and the Dream ends.
The Dragonfly 
At the beginning of the game, one of the Fae will choose a number of cards from the
deck equal to the number of Fae players, making sure to include 1 Dragonfly Card.
These cards are shuffled and dealt randomly to each Fae player. The Fae who
receives the Dragonfly card is the Dragonfly.
The Dragonfly’s mission is to make sure nobody wins the game, playing for either
side. During most of the game, he or she plays like a normal Fae, attempting to feed
on the memories of the Dreamers. However, there are certain conditions that grant
the Dragonfly special powers.
1. If someone plays a dragonfly card, the Dragonfly may act.
2. If someone breaks a rule, the Dragonfly may act.
3. If someone says the word “dragonfly,” the Dragonfly may act.
If the Dragonfly is activated, he or she may take one action. Actions the Dragonfly
may take include:
Re-locking a memory.
Unlocking a memory.
Draining a memory.
Returning a memory that has been drained.
Causing a Fae or Dreamer to sleep for the duration of a scene, and playing for
Causing a Fae and Dreamer to switch teams.
Adding another Dreamer to a Scene.
Changing the order of one card in the Act Sequence.
Replacing a card in the Act Sequence.
Canceling the effect of a spell.
In addition, the Dragonfly is the sole arbiter of rules (rules of the game and rules
imposed by Spells and Modifiers), and may rule in favor of whichever team gives him
the most advantage.
The Dragonfly wins if all the Dreamers still have memories by the end of the Third
Act, and all of those memories are locked.
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