Physiology QuestionBased Learning Cardio Respiratory and Renal Systems.pdf
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Physiology Question-Based Learning
Hwee Ming Cheng
Physiology Question-Based
Cardio, Respiratory and Renal Systems
Hwee Ming Cheng
Faculty of Medicine
University of Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
ISBN 978-3-319-12789-7
ISBN 978-3-319-12790-3 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12790-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014960134
Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
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“…Teacher, you have spoken well..they no longer dared to ask him any question”
Luke the Physician (20:39,40)
This book is a first fruit publication of more than a decade of organizing and
hosting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia the Inter-Med School Physiology Quiz (IM-
SPQ). This is now a mega physiology event and at the recent 12th IMSPQ, 2014,
we gathered 88 medical school teams from 23 countries who came converge for a 2
day adrenaline-high, physiologically stimulating activities.
Physiology questions asked in the competition is the focus of the IMSPQ. Above
the friendly tussle for the Challenge Trophy (named in honor of Prof A Raman, the
first Malaysian professor of physiology at the University of Malaya), the IMSPQ
event is a nucleus for learning and enjoying physiology. The IMSPQ is an invalu-
able test experience where students of physiology from diverse curriculums of nu-
merous countries are evaluated in the same sitting.
Valuable insights have been gained from a study of the common incorrect re-
sponses to the physiology questions asked during both the silent, written and the
oral quiz session before a live audience. This book distills some of the major physi-
ological concepts and principles that are part of the IMSPQ challenge. Three sys-
tems, cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal are covered, including integrated topics
that synthesize essential homeostatic mechanisms of interorgan physiology.
This book is not purposed merely for preparations for teams gearing up for an
IMSPQ event. The questions and explanations given, will be a resource for under-
standing physiology as they highlight the framework and major pillars of physi-
ological knowledge in each system. These questions will provide a good foundation
for students to build upon as they continue to pursue the wonders of human physiol-
My appreciation to Thijs van Vlijmen, who from our first meeting, recognized
the usefulness of harvesting the IMSPQ for a fruitful book and was enthusiastic in
producing this Physiology Question-Based Learning (Pq-BL) series. My student
Adlina Athilah Abdullah drew the beautiful flower-blooming heart, lungs, and kid-
neys (and other illustrations in the text) that introduce the three branches of this
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