Tokyo Ravens 10 - BEGINSTEMPLE.pdf

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Chapter 1 - Rabbit from the Temple of Darkness
"I believe that the essence of sorcery is what are called 'lies'."
"But isn't 'truth' sometimes more of a falsehood than lies?"
--Tsuchimikado Harutora
Part 1
This occurred many nights earlier--
That altar was on the roof of a building.
Torii were erected on the four sides of a platform constructed from stone. The
north torii was black, the east torii was blue, the south torii was red, and the west
torii was white.
The platform had already been assembled on many pedestals, arrayed with a
multitude of offerings. Silver coins, white silk, a paper horse, a paper soldier
full armor, bow and arrows, a long sword, cloisonné enamel
, gold, a koto
, a
lute. There were also many vessels made from paper that were carefully infused
with magical energy by the one managing the platform. Next to them were also
ritual tools - a taiko drum, a conch
, sleigh bells, a hei
, incense, a hand bell, a
vodoo doll
and charms.
The ritual had already been prepared properly. The wind gusted across the top of
the roof. The sky slowly brightened and the all encompassing darkness was
chased away by the sun. It would be dawn soon. The time when the sun and
moon switched places was imminent.
There were five figures on the platform. In the center stood a boy wrapped in a
black coat, his left eye covered with a cloth. The hem of his black coat was blown
aflutter by the wind.
In front of the boy was a pedestal upon which laid a girl. It was as if she were
sleeping, but the uniform on her body was soaked in blood. The wind gently
brushed against the girl, and the pink ribbon tying the girl's long black hair
swayed softly with the wind.
Behind the boy and the girl were two figures watching everything. One was a
woman with animalistic ears and a tail, and the other was a man with only one
arm. The two stayed like this without saying anything, quietly waiting for the
coming of that time.
The final person was a small girl who had prepared the ritual while waiting for
them. Her expression was cold as she stared at the attentive boy.
The boy was looking around with his remaining right eye in order to check the
altar. The girl waited for the boy to finish his inspection, then walked towards the
boy, giving him a sheet of paper that had been folded multiple times. This was
the script for the ritual oration.
The boy received the script and held it against his chest for a moment, closing his
eyes. After a while, he nodded to the girl. After the girl grabbed a hammer, she
struck the taiko. Boom-- Boom-- Boom-- Boom-- Boom-- Boom--, she struck it
six times. Then, she took the conch and blew it. The sound contained magical
energy and it gradually permeated the dawn air, but the last note echoed
throughout the area several times.
The two figures watching everything from behind turned their bodies slightly.
The black coat wrapped around the boy swelled as if it were breathing. The boy
held the script before himself and loudly chanted the incantation.
"The Tsuchimikado Onmyoudou sect would like to address Taizan Fukun, the
lord of the underworld--"
...That happened many nights ago.
The wheel of fate that transcended time accelerated.
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