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© 2014 Beamdog. © 2014 Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Icewind Dale,
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and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A.
and other countries, and are used with permission. Hasbro and its logo are
trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. and are used with permission. © 1998 BioWare
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BioWare logo are trademarks of Bioware Corp. Black Isle Studios and the
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................... 3
The World of Icewind Dale........................................................................... 5
Faerûn and the North .............................................................................. 7
The Spine of the World ........................................................................... 8
Easthaven................................................................................................. 9
Kuldahar Pass ........................................................................................ 12
Kuldahar Valley .................................................................................... 14
The Vale of Shadows ............................................................................. 16
Lonelywood ........................................................................................... 18
The Northern Calendar ......................................................................... 23
Note to the Player: Game Units ....................................................... 25
Bestiary of the North ................................................................................... 27
Bears ...................................................................................................... 28
Beetles .................................................................................................... 28
Carrion Crawlers ................................................................................... 29
Ghouls ................................................................................................... 29
Goblins .................................................................................................. 30
Ogres ..................................................................................................... 30
Sword Spiders ........................................................................................ 31
Trolls...................................................................................................... 31
Wolves .................................................................................................. 31
Many tales have reached me of the south, and of the cities and
caravans and wonders of Baldur’s Gate and the lands around.
These things no longer carry the wonder they once did since my
journey north, to the Ten Towns. The accomplishments of men
seem insignificant here, where all falls within the shadow of the
Spine of the World.
There are many tales of the Spine of the World; there are times
when I feel it is more a force than a range of mountains — one
needs only look at them to feel their majesty and their presence.
Since my wounding on the battlefield in service to Tempus, I have
had much time to reflect on virtues and what is noble in life — in
fact, I have little else to occupy my time than write since taking my
position here in Easthaven. Thus, it has to come to pass that within
this volume are my writings on Easthaven, Kuldahar, and the
lands around. One of the local leaders, Hrothgar, has gifted me
with some of his tales and advice, and I have taken some of his
quotes to fill the pages of this volume — not all, for were I to
record all he says, his ramblings would fill another volume.
Nonetheless, there is the wisdom of the battlefield in him, and his
words ring true.
Heed this volume; know its ways of battle and spells, tactics and
movement. What you read here may keep you from death’s door.
The path to victory lies in knowing your strengths... and using
them as a hammer against your enemies.
If you are deserving, then may Veiros’s flank be facing you when
the battle is joined.
—Everard, Trusted Sword, Order of the Broken Blade
Easthaven, Eleint 1281 DR, the Year of the Cold Soul
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