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Series Book by Jason L Blair
“Light Makes Right!”
The Mighty Mirror Masters
Created and Written by
Jason L Blair
Character Stats by
Norbert Franz
Artwork by
Patrick Sullivan and Jeremy Dale
Graphic Design by
Cynthia Celeste Miller
Editing by
Norbert Franz
Channel Guide
Series Overview
The World of Glassia
The Mirror Masters
Notable Mirror Master GMCs
Notable Dark Reflection GMCs
PC Guidelines
Ready-To-Use PCs
GMC Game Stats
Cartoon Action Hour is copyright 2014 by Spectrum Games. All Rights Reserved. The Mighty Mirror Masters is owned by Jason L Blair and used by
Spectrum Games with permission. This material (art, logos, illustrations, character concepts, text and game mechanics) is protected by the copyright
laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the ex-
press written consent of Spectrum Games or Jason L Blair, except for the purposes of reviews and for the character stats, which may be reproduced for
personal use only. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a painfully infuriating, extended visit to your house from Kargorr. You’ve been warned.
The reference to any companies or products in this book is not meant to challenge the trademarks or copyrights concerned.
The Mighty Mirror Masters
Series Overview
The planet of Glassia was once a society dedicated
to the pursuit of science, medicine, literature, and
magic. They were a peaceful people, unified by
intelligence and honor, until a chance discovery
cracked their world in half.
During a routine excavation, a mining crew,
digging for minerals in the Diaman Mountains,
unearthed a mysterious gemstone. This “Shining
Stone” had the power to peer inside the viewer’s
soul and divine their true nature, bringing it to life
in physical form. For some, it showed their best
self. But, for the others, the gem brought out their
darkest natures. Every member of the mining crew
gazed at the gem that day.
Half of them, possessed of kind souls, were
blessed with Divine Light. They became paragons
of good able to call forth noble creatures to act
as warriors and guardians. But the rest of the
crew, who harbored evil intent, experienced
the Dark Reflection and were transformed into
twisted monsters driven by greed and hunger for
The monsters immediately descended upon
the peaceful citizens of Glassia. Committed to
protecting their homeland, those given Divine
Light banded together against the evil horde.
These “Mirror Masters” drove the Dark Reflection
to the remote edges of Glassia, into the benighted
lands of the Stygian Plains.
With the Dark Reflection at bay for now, the Mirror
Masters set about studying the Shining Stone.
They turned to renowned Glassian scientist Emma
Rald who was an expert on gemology. Upon first
inspection, Emma experienced a transformation
of her own—not a Dark Reflection, but not the
same as the Divine Light. Emma became Prisma,
a being of pure luminescence. In addition, she
became inextricably tied to the stone. Now only
able to assume physical form for short periods of
time, Prisma is rarely able to accompany the Mirror
Masters into battle. But she doesn’t mind, as she
holds a connection and understanding of the
Shining Stone second to none.
But while the Mirror Masters studied the Shining
Stone, the horde within the Stygian Plains plotted
to steal it for their own. Jarek, leader of the Dark
Reflection, is convinced the gem’s power has only
just begun to manifest itself. He also believes the
Dark Reflection is the first step on a path toward
true enlightenment. He and his crew are destined
to be gods! Jarek will stop at nothing to claim the
stone for himself.
Having secreted the Shining Stone in the Crystal
Cave deep within the Diaman Mountains, the
Mirror Masters must be ever-vigilant in protecting
the powerful gem from the Dark Reflection, all
the while trying to figure out the stone’s origin
and true purpose. Through they do not think
themselves above others, the Mirror Masters too
believe the Shining Stone’s power has just begun
to manifest itself.
The World of
Glassia is a mix of high-tech and fantasy, of science
and magic. Medieval Europe meets Ancient Rome
with far future technology sprinkled around a
bit. The cities are bustling metropolises of silver
and gold, but they are rare bastions of civilization
surrounded by blighted desert. In the outer rim,
sit the Stygian Plains, an expanse of dark sand
and coal-colored mountains and bluffs. The
The Mighty Mirror Masters
buildings are jagged and ominous, looming over
the black desert like the husks of dead giants.
Once home solely to the Serpen people, a race of
lizard-like men and women ruled by superstition
and xenophobia, Jarek and his army now claim the
Plains as their home and the Serpens as their slaves.
In the cities, sky-bikes zip around twenty feet off
the ground, weaving their way over the market
stalls and stoplights directing the foot traffic.
Men and woman in pastel-colored togas and
dresses discuss philosophy, the principles of
mathematics and magic, and the events of the
day. They are the people of an idealized Rome,
oblivious to the danger that sits just outside
their civilized boundaries.
The desert is home to many mutated creatures.
Anything from lizards the size of a horse to hairless
mammoths capable of breathing fire can be
found in the desolate expanse. Roaming bands
of vagrants and thieves are constant nuisances to
the caravans trekking from one city to another, in
search of a new start or to trade rare goods.
Prior to the incident at the mines that unearthed
the Shining Stone, the people of Glassia had no
need for a military, so they were unprepared for the
attack by the Dark Reflection. The Mirror Masters
are their protectors now. But even they cannot be
everywhere at once. The unearthing of the Shining
Stone unlocked something in the world of Glassia.
People, such as the roaming brigands, have found
envy in their souls and dark desire in their hearts.
Attacks become more and more frequent. People
are beginning to fear for their lives. Debates turn
violent. Brother turns against brother. The world is
changing, becoming darker. Was uncovering the
Shining Stone the opening of Pandora’s box?
The Mighty Mirror Masters
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