Dr. David R. Hawkins 101 Sposobów na posiadanie pokoju ducha.docx

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"You get what you focus on, there is no other rule." This is the secret of Happiness. Look for my memoir "From Hollywood to God" by Kelly Granite Enck on Amazon and Kindle and join me on the wildest adventure of my life!

Dr. David Hawkins- 101 Ways to Peace


Dr. David Hawkins, MD, PhD encompasses particle physics, nonlinear dynamics, chaos theory, and his own discoveries about the nature and accessibility of truth.


Dr. David R. Hawkins 101 Ways to Peace from Hawkins Peace Seminar 8-8-09

1. Let go of trying to change and control others. The source of your happiness is solely within you. Peacefulness has to be a decision that you make. It can exist in the middle of war, devastation, and catastrophe.

2. Let go wanting to ‘get even

3. Let go wanting to be ‘right’ and make otherswrong

4. Practice discernment rather than judgmentalism (Judgmentalism says, “they ought to be different”; discernment sees the essence and truth of a person but without judgment)

5. Be modest with opinions

6. Perfect diplomacy skills and gentility

7. Be gracious and considerate.

( “Here, can I get you something to drink?” Divinity is a quality of consciousness, not personhood, age, gender. It is Divinity that asks you, “What would you like to drink?” Be gracious. That is your God-nature.)

8. Keep serenity as a goal

9. It is okay to be ‘wrongor undecided

10. Calibrate the options; be flexible

11. It isn’t necessary to have an opinion on everything

12. Avoid peace demonstrations

13. Remember that Socrates was short and ugly

14. Value wisdom over beingright

15. Seek wise counsel (everybody should have a psychotherapist)

16. Realize you influence others by what you are, not what you do (best thing you can for the world is sit down and shut up! Just having kind thoughts makes a difference)

17. Avoid activism and pedantry

18. Be grateful for your assets (your most important asset is spiritual interest)

19. Mankind has survived millions of years without your help

20. Be your own best friend

21. Be wary of do-gooders (they want to control you—for “your own good” of course!)

22. Read Do-Gooders by Mona Charen

23. Let others win

24. Beware of unintended consequences

25. The innocent child is present in everyone

26. Pray to see things differentlyreframe/ recontextualize

27. Accept that the majority of people calibrate below 200 (lower your expectationsthey’re doing great just to survive)

(Inner-psychic event: one day walking in the woods, there was a vision of the suffering of all mankind throughout all of time, like the curtain was pulled back. I switched from being very religious, even hyper-religious, to become an atheist and then agnostic. I didn’t realize that what was revealed to me was not Divinity but the ego. It took 20 years to realize this mistake.)

28. ‘Judge not lest ye be judged’ (if they could do or be better, they would)

29. All viewpoints are arbitrary

30. Renew thoughtfulness, gratitude

31. The mind is anit’, not a ‘you’ (the mind talks all the time; ...

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