breatharian concept intro.txt

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WARNING: When fasting, DO NOT deprive yourself of water,
especially in the initial stage!

DEFINITION: Breatharians are folks who NEVER eat or
drink anything of a so-called nutritional nature.

* * *

If one eats, one is, by definition, not a Breatharian. The
Breatharian, because he takes no foods into the body,
therefore, essentially has no further need for water either,
as water appears to be the cleanser, and since the stuff which
is cleansed from the body (food products and their toxic
by-products) are no longer present in the body, there is
essentially no further need for the cleanser, water.

A Breatharian should sleep very little, to none at all. A
Breatharian should be among the most powerful of folks, not
necessarily in muscular strength, but in the ability to go and
go and keep on going, when others would have long since had to
stop for food, water, and rest.

How is it that one can survive without food?

The idea here is that we do not now, nor have we ever, "lived"
on so-called "foods." What we truly live on, if anything at all,
is, as of yet, still a Divine Mystery to me.  It does appear,
however, that the physical body needs to be breathing in
order to be able to move.

My personal belief is that "foods" are, in reality, nothing
more than addictive drugs. Some foods appear to be less
harmful than others.

Why would anyone want to become a Breatharian?

For me, Breatharianism is about a spiritual quest -- a quest
leading to the maximum expansion of personal consciousness/
awareness -- to come into a condition in which, ideally, all
doubt will be removed, a condition in which we will be able to
know how to correctly proceed in all circumstances -- to come
into a condition in which one's "contact" with god is maxed
out! -- to become at one with the very consciousness of God,
if such a thing is possible!

"Foods" and Consciousness

It is my belief that the brain is the organ through which
consciousness is manifested into the physical world. So, if
this is true, then it is reasonable to believe that the
structure and functioning of the brain will have an effect on
the nature of the consciousness that proceeds through and from
it into the outer world.

The brain is "fed" or conditioned by what resides in the
blood, and the blood contains the products, by-products, and
waste materials from what we have eaten. If we eat garbage,
will not the functioning of the brain suffer, and if brain
function is being limited by the food substances in the blood,
is it not possible that if we were able to cleanse the blood
of these limiting substances that our level of personal
consciousness might be expanded?

Where will the power come from?

Well, i believe i have received what, for me, is a most
exciting and reassuring revelation concerning precisely by
what mechanism one will receive the actual power to finally
become a Breatharian, and so, with that, i will now share this
revelation with you...

I believe the power to actually become a Breatharian will come
to us from a Spirit. the power will come when a Helpful
Spirit literally comes to the one who is finally ready. the
Spirit will speak either words or thoughts into the head of
the person. (Sister Susan, being a visionary from childhood,
was actually able to both see and hear the "angels" who told
her what to do, regarding the cessation of diet. However, my
suspicion is that most of us will be wonderfully blessed to
just be receiving the words of the Spirit as thoughts that
come into our heads.)

I believe that our heads will be filled with various things in
regards to the process of becoming a Breatharian. and all of
these things will ENSURE the success of the undertaking! and,
that without the guidance from this Spirit, it will not

I believe that a plan will be given, specifically for the
individual. i believe that our minds will be sharply FOCUSED
by this Spirit on precisely and exactly what we must do. i
believe that a great MOTIVATION will also be given to us from
this Spirit, and great EXCITEMENT for the task, and this
motivation and excitement will be with us and will stay with
us, pushing us forward until the goal has becomes ours!

I believe we will be able to clearly see the course and KNOW
that we can and will finish it, and this vision and
knowingness will be given to us from this Spirit.

And the REASON for doing it will also be given. reason is
related to motivation. if we can see the Reason, we can call
upon this reason for motivation if temptation should try to
side-track us. but, when this Spirit is with us, there will
be no negative spirit who will have the power to take us away
from the FOCUS which is maintained within us by this Helpful

And, with the Reason, the Motivation, and the Focus - all
provided by this Spirit - success is absolutely guaranteed.
but, until this Spirit comes to the individual, i am doubtful
that it will be possible for the individual to actually become
a Real Breatharian, which is as it must be, imo.

So, if it is the Will of God that we should, in fact,
eventually become a Breatharian, then a Helpful Spirit will,
when the time is right, come to us, and the job WILL be done!

This is the revelation which i believe has been given to me.
and now, it is yours, too, if you want it.

So be it!

john mcalpin
Breatharian List Founder
Yahoo Groups


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