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My Programs
Training FAQ
Thank you for signing up for my training program! You will find that this
training is extremely effective, safe, and actually fun and addictive. You will
amaze yourself at the things you are going to be able to do during this
This is just some general information and your first program will be
included as separate attachments. Don’t ever think you are bugging me by
asking questions. I want you to always ask if unsure about something.
Generally speaking I want to build your volume up as we go (not always),
and add in extra training, but first I need to see how you quickly we can get
you to recover. Recovery and your goals will be key in determining next
steps. We are in no rush to add work, but when capable of doing more work,
we can accelerate gains.
Exercises and Form
The number one thing to remember is that your form needs to be perfect on
everything you do! Make sure you go to my YouTube channel
(mountaindog1) so you can see how I execute exercises. The channel
is organized by body part and you'll see special playlists for things like band
work, and isotension sets. This will make finding exercises, band set ups,
and special techniques easy. To quick-link to a particular body part playlist,
click on one of the links below:
My Programs
I have many programs and they are all hard, but a little unique.
Program 1 - This is my base four-day a week program where volume
is periodized. This program does not include bands and chains.
Program 2 - Similar to program 1 but does not periodize volume. You
will take 1-2 weeks to de-load weeks before starting.
Program 4 – This program adds a great deal of band work, which is
another way to increase intensity.
Program 7 – This is a five-day a week program, with bands, and even
more added intensity. This program has more emphasis on chest and
Program 10-13 - These are up to seven days a week, depending on
your recovery. You can focus on anything you want. Band work and
chain work are included if you have the tools, but are not required.
Program 14 is similar to 10-13 but adds in occlusion training as a
hypertrophy technique on occasion.
Program 15 is similar to 10-14 but adds in some tremendously painful
yet effective forced isotension techniques.
I am continuing to build programs all the time!
Training FAQ
How do I know if the weight I am using is right?
When I say 3 sets of 10, I don't mean every set should be flat out to
failure at 10 reps. The reps should always be hard. Usually with this
pattern, you should feel like you have 2-3 reps in the tank after the
first set or two, but the last one is a really hard 10, and you may not
even get all 10.
Many times I will say go up to a weight until you can do x number of
reps with it, and we’ll count the last 3 sets as working. For example, if
you are doing barbell incline presses and 225 for 8 reps is as much as
you can muster, you wouldn’t want to do 135 and then jump right to
225. You would want to do a set of 8 with say 200, then one with 215,
then the one with 225. That would be a typical pyramid. Another
example, on the leg press you may do 1 plate a side, and keep adding
plates all the way to 10. We would count the set with 8, 9, and 10 as
work sets. You wouldn’t want to do 3 or 4 sets, and then go right to 9
or 10 plates. That’s how you strain things and get injured.
The deeper you are into a workout, the less number of “feeder” sets
you’ll need. Feeder sets are just sets to get you to your working
weight. So let’s say the leg press was your last exercise for the
workout. Now, you might be able to start with say 5 plates a side, and
do one set there, one with 6, and one with 7. You don’t need to do one
plate, two plates, etc. You are warmed up enough at this point and
don’t need to waste energy.
Feeder sets deeper into the workout can be lower in reps too. If you
are doing hack squats as the last exercise in your workout, you could
probably just do sets of 3 reps up to your working weight sets. Again,
you are warmed up enough by now and don’t need to waste energy.
When I want you to go to complete failure, I will tell you so. When I
want you to pyramid up, I will tell you so etc.
Bottom line, is just listen to what I say and ask questions when you
need too!
How long should I rest between sets?
Rest breaks are whatever amount of time it takes to catch your breath
and be ready to crank, unless
I tell you
otherwise. Try to move faster
rather than slower on smaller body parts such as arms. On exercises
such as squats, take a little longer so you can crush the next set.
Will I lose my strength training like this?
Your strength
may be down at first
due to the order of exercises!
That’s ok. Don’t panic. If you were doing a squat 3rd instead of first, I
would expect that due to fatigue not muscle weakness. The cool thing
is that your strength will actually rebound and you will likely gain
strength training with this style. You will hit muscle fibers harder with
this style, but will experience less tendon and ligament strain.
Also, your joints should feel great with this style unless you are a real
mess now. I hear it over and over again from clients, about how their
joints are feeling the best they have in years, and how once they get
through the initial programs their strength shoots up. I could care less
about strength, but I know you might, so I just wanted to address this
so you knew what to expect.
What kind of equipment do I need?
I realize you may not have all the equipment required and that's ok. As
long as you have the ability to do
things, that's fine.
If you come across an exercise you can't do, substitute something
similar. If you need an idea, just ask.
To get the bands that I recommend from my good friends at EliteFTS
click on the picture below.
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