Brew Unit Blocked-A02.pdf

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Brew Unit Blocked Message
Trouble shooting Guide
This is caused by one of these reasons:
Bad micro switch
Disconnected plug
Bad brew drive motor (open coil or shorted motor)
Miss-wiring, or no cant nudity
Bad or loose connection
Jammed brew group (brew unit)
Cup warmer plate defects (only for Roy. & Magic’s)
Bad CPU or PCB boards
For cause 1
1. Bad micro switch
Check for open or shorted micro switch
Check for broken, or bad micro switch
For cause 2
2. Disconnected plug
Check the connection of all plugs going to CPU board.
Check the connection of all plugs going to PCB board
Check the connection of all plugs and lugs going to each element.
For cause 3
3. Bad brew drive motor (open coil or shorted motor)
Check resistance of the brew drive motor coil.
1. Approach 14ohm
Check visually for any arc or black marc on motor.
For cause 4
4. Miss wiring, or no cant nudity
Check visually, or based on wiring diagram for missed wire.
Check cant nudity of the wires from brew drive assy. Micro switches to CPU
Check cant nudity of the wires from cup heater to PCB board.
Check cant nudity of the wires from brew drive motor to PCB board.
Saeco- USA
Brew Unit Blocked Message Trouble shooting Guide
REV 02
For cause 5
5. Bad or loose connection
Check for loose lugs and plugs connection.
Check for loose pins in plugs.
Check for bad crimp lugs, or bad lugs it self.
For cause 6
6. Jammed brew group (brew unit)
Check that the brew group might be jammed.
To solve this problem
Unscrew the screw that connects the small couplet on the brew group.
Pull brew group out.
Bypass dump box, and brew group micro switches.
Power machine, and hold till the gears gets on home position.
For cause 7
7. Cup warmer plate defects (only for Roy. & Magic’s)
Check the resistance of the cup warmer coil.
Check visually the thermo fuses on cup warmer coil for any arc or short.
Check for open thermo fuse.
For cause 8
8. Bad CPU or PCB boards
Replace any bad board.
Retest machine to see if problem has been solved.
Saeco- USA
Central Unit Blocked Message Trouble shooting Guide
REV 02
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