5 police.docx

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4. Police services:

- there is no national police forces,

- there are organized, employed and paid by local authorities:

ü      police forces in England and Wales on county basis,

ü      police forces in Scotland on regional basis,

- in London, there is Metropolitan Police where they keep records of crimes and criminals of the whole country – hey overcome nationally theft/robbery,

- New Scotland Yard – criminal department of Metropolitan Police.


5. Arrest (if a person Is arrested):

- a person can be arrested with warrant or without warrant what is issued by a magistrate,

- arrested person has right to consult a solicitor and to inform one person,

- arrest for more than 36 hours has to be with a warrant,


(Bail Act - is when court decides if defendant should be released on Bail or not, when he/she can, someone should pay a certain amount of money – this person should stay at home and be available all the time)


6. Prisons:

- they are run by the Home Office,

- they are visited and checked by the Board of Visitors – it is a group of people who are important, retired judges, trustworthy people;

- the Custody – this kind of prison is for people who have committed serious crimes:

ü      Magistrates’ Courts – to 12 months,

ü      Crown Courts – other sentences, even life sentences.


7. Other penalties for property crimes:

- fines + compensations to victims (money is the most popular kind of these penalties),

- probation (you can be at home but you are controlled by special person),

- community work (people who have not very high sentence, they can work; for example cleaning streets, help for elderly people),

- curfew order (it started in Britain by football hooligans – they should be at home during football matches, they can’t be near the football pitches; but sometimes it can be also used as penalty for example to separate family from the dangerous father/mother, etc.).


8. OPEN PRISON – prisons where prisoners can undertake the work during day (these prisons aren’t be open in Northern Ireland).

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