Notes and rhymes.doc

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Notes and rhymes


1. When you lack emotions

You put on a record

And derive from it

Like it's free to take

But you don't care

'Bout the way I wrote it

Those words breathe

There's a life in this melody


I hide my memories between the lines

The rhythm and my heartbeat are synchronized

I could tell the whole story with a bunch of notes and rhymes



Listen carefully

Don't ignore a little thing

Any pause or speed up

Is here for a reason

When you hear my song

Don't get me wrong

Sometimes I'm illogical

But that's just the way heart goes


2. The nights are tough

When the thoughts come in

So much I wanna write

Yet the words won't add up

And I try to sing

But the throat feels numb

I choke on tears

Well, you won't even know


I hide my memories between the lines

The rhythm and my heartbeat are synchronized

I could tell the whole story with a bunch of notes and rhymes



Even the easiest music is a reflection of a soul

You may call it stupid but the writer knows

Where is the blackest note and the painful word

Bringing back the past or an emotion flow


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