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Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2010; 38: 211–224 doi: 10.1111/j.1442-9071.2010.02231.x
Keratoprostheses in clinical practice – a review
Ahmed Gomaa
Oliver Comyn
Christopher Liu
Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton, and
Tongdean Eye Clinic, Hove, UK
The search for a substitute for the natural cornea dates
back more than 200 years. Although several devices
have been developed and trialled, very few have had
successful long-term results and continue in regu-
lar clinical use. Keratoprosthesis (KPro) surgery is
complex and should be performed in centres with an
experienced multidisciplinary team. Currently avail-
able KPro devices range from the totally synthetic,
such as the Boston KPro, to the totally biological
tissue-engineered artificial cornea. The osteo-odonto
keratoprothesis combines a synthetic optic with a bio-
logical haptic. All keratoprostheses have significant
limitations, although visual improvement is possible
with each of the devices in clinical use today. This
review discusses these devices with emphasis on their
indications, surgical techniques and results, before
briefly exploring emerging devices and innovative
approaches for the future.
Key words:
AlphaCor, artificial cornea, Boston, kerato-
prosthesis, OOKP, Pintucci.
Replacing an opaque cornea with a glass plate was
first described by Pellier de Quengsy in France more
than 200 years ago.
He led the way by proposing a
device with a porous skirt, which could be colonized
by tissues, a concept that is adopted by most recent
devices and considered essential for success. In 1853,
Nussbaum described a collar-stud glass device con-
sisting of two plates sandwiching the cornea and
connected by an optical cylinder,
with trials in
rabbit eyes. Heusser in 1859 was possibly the first to
implant a keratoprosthesis (KPro) in a human eye;
this was retained for 3 months.
Several other
attempts were made over the second half of the 19th
century (Von Hippel 1877, Dimmer 1889, Baker
1889, van Millingen 1895, Salzer 1895) but almost
all the implants failed and were extruded.
The interest in keratoprostheses declined follow-
ing the development of successful penetrating
keratoplasty (PKP) using human corneal allografts
which occurred in the first decade of the 20th
century. Years later came the realization that trans-
planting a human cornea would not be successful in
all cases of corneal blindness, leading to a renewed
search for a corneal substitute, which could be suc-
cessfully implanted and retained in human eyes.
During the Second World War, the incidental discov-
ery of corneal tissue tolerance to plexi-glass frag-
ments from aeroplane canopies suggested a new
direction for future research.
Using plastic as a
corneal replacement, or inlay implant, was investi-
gated in rabbits by Herbert and Stone in the early
1950s. They found that lamellar implants were better
tolerated than full thickness ones, which were
extruded within 2 weeks.
Bock and Maumenée,
followed by Knowles, studied fluid kinetics within
the corneal tissues and examined the effect of
implanting a plastic disc on the nutrition of the ante-
rior corneal layers. They showed a barrier effect from
these implants, which led to anterior corneal dehy-
dration and thinning. The results were similar for
implants made from poly(glycerylmethacrylate).
This research led to the concept of an ideal KPro.
This artificial implant would restore corneal clarity,
integrate with host tissues and withstand a hostile
ocular surface environment while leading to a
minimum of complications common to all kerato-
prostheses: infection, glaucoma, the formation of ret-
roprosthetic membranes and extrusion.
Further research and development inevitably led
to some trials which ended unsuccessfully with high
extrusion rates and infection occurring in nearly all
cases, as with the retrocorneal fixation KPro by
Lacombe and the BioKPro by Leagais.
in microsurgical techniques, methods to control
Dr Christopher Liu, Sussex Eye Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 5BF, UK. Email:
Received 3 October 2009; accepted 22 January 2010.
© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
et al.
Figure 1.
Boston Keratoprosthe-
ses types 1 (left) and 2 (right).
infection and manage glaucoma contributed to the
development of the devices available and in contin-
ued clinical use today. Although limited in number,
these devices solve the problem of the artificial
cornea in a number of ways, from the totally syn-
thetic Boston KPro, to the combined synthetic optic
and biological frame of the osteo-odonto keratopro-
thesis (OOKP) and the entirely biological tissue-
engineered cornea. Although all keratoprostheses
have limitations, varying degrees of visual improve-
ment can be achieved with all of the devices in
current clinical use, which will be discussed later.
The Boston Keratoprosthesis (previously
known as the Dohlman-Doane
The Boston KPro has been under development since
the 1960s but did not receive FDA approval for mar-
keting in the USA until 1992. Two types are available
and in current clinical use, types 1 and 2 (Fig. 1);
both have optical components made from medical-
grade poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). The type
1 device consists of a PMMA optical front plate and
stem, which is inserted through and hence sand-
wiches a corneal graft button which has been cen-
trally trephined, locking into a larger back plate.
Originally, the back plate was either threaded onto
or glued to the stem. In 2003, a locking ring made of
titanium was added to ensure that the back plate is
secured safely in place. In 2007, the design of the
Boston KPro evolved to feature a threadless stem.
Since then it has been modified to include a titanium
back plate with larger holes. The new threadless
design is expected to produce less corneal graft
damage during assembly, be easier for use by inex-
perienced surgeons and make inexpensive manufac-
ture of the device possible by moulding rather than
machining. Optically, the power of this device can be
adjusted to match the patient’s refractive power. In
practice, a pseudophakic eye with an intraocular lens
in situ
can be corrected with a KPro of a standard,
single power, leaving the eye emmetropic. The
typical anterior surface power of this device is 43–44
dioptres. Aphakic eyes require a variety of powers
depending on the axial length and it is suggested by
the developers that a typical bank of available KPros
might cover a range of axial lengths from 15 mm to
30 mm. The full technical specification of the Boston
KPro type 1 is shown in Table 1.
The type 2
device is of a similar design, with an added anterior
cylinder that protrudes through a permanently
closed upper eyelid, and is used in end-stage dry eye
(Fig. 1).
The Boston KPro is suitable for use in cases of refrac-
tory corneal blindness with repeated failed corneal
grafts where further corneal grafting is deemed very
high risk. Patients should be monocular, or bilater-
ally blind according to the WHO criteria. Ideally,
there should be no evidence of retinal or optic nerve
disease with a minimum vision of light perception
with good projection in the four quadrants.
In prac-
tice, however, many patients who require a KPro do
© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Review – Keratoprostheses
Table 1.
Design and dimensions of the type 1 Boston KPro
Diameter (front plate): 5.0, 6.0 mm
Stem: three segments and groove (1st next to front plate)
1st segment: height 0.62 mm, diameter 3.35 mm
2nd segment: height 0.84 mm, diameter 3.0 mm
Groove: height 0.33 mm, diameter 2.74 mm
3rd segment: variable height
Front Part
Back Plate
Locking Ring
Diameter: 8.5 mm
Central hole diameter: 3.0 mm
Plate thickness next to the hole is 0.8 mm and at the periphery 0.6 mm
16 holes of 1.17 mm diameter
Smaller back plate (children): diameter of 7.0 mm, with 8 holes of 1.3 mm diameter each
Outer diameter: 3.6 mm
Inner diameter: 2.8 mm
Thickness: 0.23 mm
have some degree of glaucoma and may have previ-
ously undiagnosed macular disease. Patients should
have good lid anatomy and blink to preserve a
healthy ocular surface and help to retain the protec-
tive contact lens which is used postoperatively. They
should have good access to the hospital carrying out
the surgery and be committed to a regular follow-up
schedule. Autoimmune cases such as Stevens–
Johnson syndrome (SJS) or ocular cicatricial pem-
phigoid (OCP) are usually excluded. Although the
device is usually used in adults, Aquavella
et al.
reported good success using the Boston type 1 KPro
in children with corneal opacity due to primary con-
genital disease and/or previous failed keratoplasty.
Surgical procedure and postoperative
The Boston type 1 KPro can be ordered from the
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary (MEEI)
(Boston, MA, USA). Surgeons should be experienced
at performing conventional full-thickness PKP and
need to have knowledge of the device and its
assembly. Surgery begins with the assembly of the
device. A donor corneal button (usual size 8.5–9.
0 mm) is prepared and a central 3 mm hole is
trephined. The front plate is fixed to the adhesive
surface supplied with the device. The donor button
is then placed over the stem of the front plate and the
back plate is slid into place on top of this without
screwing or turning. A titanium locking ring is then
pushed onto the remaining exposed stem until an
audible ‘snap’ is heard (Fig. 2). The assembled KPro
is examined under the operating microscope for
correct assembly before proceeding with host tre-
phination. The recipient cornea is then trephined
as for conventional PKP (trephine diameter 0.5 mm
less than donor trephine size). If simultaneous cata-
ract extraction is performed, it is advisable to leave
the posterior capsule of lens intact if possible, other-
wise an anterior vitrectomy should be performed.
The donor graft with the KPro is then sutured in
place with interrupted 10–0 nylon, using the same
technique as a standard PKP. Surgery usually con-
cludes with the intracameral injection of 0.4 mg dex-
amethasone and the application of a soft contact
lens (Kontur Contact Lens, Richmond, CA, USA)
(Fig. 3).
Assembly of the type 2 KPro is similar to the type
1 and surgery features the same initial steps of sutur-
ing the donor graft and KPro assembly in place. The
device is then covered with lid skin or in some cases
a mucous membrane graft. A pericardium graft can
also be used to increase overall thickness by fixation
to the front plate followed by closure of the lid skin
on top of this. Boston type 2 KPro surgery is techni-
cally challenging and has only rarely been performed
outside the MEEI. It usually necessitates meticulous
dissection of the lids from the underlying ocular
surface with division of synechiae, which often leads
to profuse bleeding.
Postoperatively, all patients are prescribed topical
steroids, starting four times daily for the first week
and tapering over 6 weeks to a maintenance dose of
at least once daily. Similarly, topical antibiotics
should be administered four times daily for the first
month, followed by maintenance therapy according
to the recommended protocol and the availability of
© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
et al.
Figure 2.
Boston keratoprosthesis.
Several studies have recently been published to
report the results of the Boston KPro. To date, more
than 3000 Boston KPros have been implanted
worldwide. The majority of procedures are now
being carried out by surgeons in units outside the
MEEI in Boston. Numbers have increased signifi-
cantly since 2006, with the demand for the device
continuing to increase.
In 2005, Aquavella reported
the results of using the Boston KPro type 1 in a case
series of 25 patients. The age of patients ranged from
5 to 87 years, with a follow up of between 2 and
12 months. All devices used in this retrospective case
series were retained with no extrusion. No cases of
endophthalmitis or surface infections were reported
during the study. Retroprosthetic membranes were
observed in three patients, all of which were treated
successfully with the YAG laser. The majority of
patients (74%) achieved a VA better than 6/120 with
about half (48%) achieving a visual level of 6/60–6/
7.5. Patients achieved their best acuity in an average
of 60 days (range 1–180 days). Cases of SJS and OCP
were excluded from this series.
Results of the first multicentre study on the Boston
type 1 KPro by Zerbe were published in 2006. They
analysed 141 Boston type 1 KPro surgical procedures,
from 17 surgical sites. Preoperative diagnoses
included graft rejection (54%), chemical injury
(15%), bullous keratopathy (14%) and herpes
simplex virus keratitis (7%). Preoperative glaucoma
was reported in 82 eyes (60%). Preoperative best-
corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranged from 6/30 to
light perception. At an average follow up of
8.5 months, postoperative vision improved to 6/60 in
57%. Among eyes followed-up for at least 1 year after
Figure 3.
Boston keratoprosthesis type 1
in situ.
antimicrobial agents locally (further details on the
recommended regimen and combination can be
found in Appendix I). Five per cent povidone–iodine
drops are instilled once per month at follow-up visits
to patients deemed to be at high risk of infection, for
example those with autoimmune disease or patients
living in developing countries with humid climates.
Following discharge, follow-up appointments are
scheduled at 1, 2 and 4 weeks for the first month
followed by monthly follow-up appointments.
The soft contact lens should be replaced every
3–4 months, and it is recommended that the removed
lens be cultured in the above high-risk patients. At
each follow-up visit, the visual acuity (VA) is
assessed, followed by slit-lamp examination and
intraocular pressure measurement with careful docu-
mentation of findings.
© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
Review – Keratoprostheses
Figure 4.
Schematic of the
in situ.
the operation (62 eyes), vision was 6/60 in 56% and
6/12 in 23%. At an average follow up of 8.5 months,
graft retention was 95%. Excellent outcomes were
achieved in chemical burns and non-cicatrizing graft
failure (94% and 90%, respectively, of eyes achieving
at least 6/60 vision maintained it at final follow up
[average 8.5 months]). Failure of VA to improve fol-
lowing Boston type 1 KPro was usually secondary to
coexisting eye pathology such as advanced glaucoma,
macular degeneration or retinal detachment. Retro-
prosthetic membrane formation was the most com-
mon postoperative complication observed (n
with YAG laser membranectomy being the most
common postoperative surgical procedure performed
26), although four required surgical excision.
The second most common complication was raised
intraocular pressure (n
21), with the second most
common postoperative surgical intervention being
placement of a tube shunt (n
11). Other less fre-
quent complications included vitritis, vitreous haem-
orrhage, retinal detachment, choroidal detachment/
haemorrhage and posterior capsular opacification.
In the reported studies, successful outcome appeared
to depend upon careful case selection, with exclusion
of cases with SJS or OCP. It has been known since
Yaghouti’s review in 2001 that cases with a preopera-
tive diagnosis of SJS had the worst prognosis follow-
ing Boston KPro type 1 surgery, with no eyes having
a VA better than 6/60 at 5 years.
Very recently, Aldave
et al.
reported results of
using the Boston type 1 KPro in a case series of 50
eyes. They had a very good retention rate of 84%,
rising to 100% in eyes with no previous history of
keratoplasty. Retroprosthetic membrane formation
and persistent epithelial defects were the most
common postoperative complications seen in this
case series (22 and 19 eyes, respectively).
The osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis
The OOKP was first described by Strampelli in
It uses the patient’s own tooth root and sur-
rounding alveolar bone to support a centrally
cemented optical cylinder. This lamina is implanted
onto an eye that has undergone corneal trephination,
total iridodialysis, cryo-extraction of the lens and
anterior vitrectomy, under cover of a full-thickness
buccal mucous membrane graft (Fig. 4). Other bio-
logical materials used for supporting a synthetic
optical cylinder have been cartilage (Casey)
tibial bone (Temprano).
The latter continues to be
used when no tooth from the patient or suitable
allograft is available. The main theory behind all
these devices was to have a biological skirt which
could easily be integrated into the surrounding
tissues (sclera and mucous membrane) and derive its
own blood supply with subsequent longer survival,
and hence a lower extrusion rate. The main strength
of the OOKP lies in the fact that it can withstand a
very hostile ocular surface environment in patients
with corneal blindness and a severely dry eye. The
innovative, stepwise approach to improving surgery
by Falcinelli resulted in significant modifications to
Strampelli’s original technique with a resultant
higher retention rate and better long-term visual
Recent modification of the optical cylin-
der design by Hull
et al.
has resulted in a wider
visual field postoperatively with a better functional
© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists
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