Meldas 500M 0KK [FR] CZ22.12.txt

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{Change Comments ***********************************************************}

	10/24/94	[cwh]
	B001.81.4	( from B001.81.3 )
	Made changes to ZOnlyRep and FinishSub1 subs to properly handle
		Feed connects and clearance moves.

 Modified: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.81.4
 For: Gibbs & Associates
 Versions: Catalyst v2.14.12C/Compost 4.21.23
 Changes made per Pete Jackson
 Charles reported a problem involving operations that do not change coordinate systems from
  previous operations.
  Added ClearCSOffset at NotSameToolWFO and SameToolWFO subs.

	Changed FirstOp3 to call out A0B0 to move to the first CS.
		When possible, this should be changed to check the MDD and only call out the axes that
		make sense.

	Added RecallWFO sub-routine to NotSameToolWFO and SameToolWFO to ouput the current fixture offset 
	and A0B0.  Added for easier restarts at the machine. Both are only called from NoMPs.
		When possible, this should be changed to check the MDD and only call out the axes that
		make sense.

	Changed version number to .00 from .81

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.01
	Added AAxisAvail? and BAxisAvail? checks to CSAngleA and CSAngleB subs
	Added WFO1 and A0B0 if AxisAvail to End2:

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.01
	Fixed RecalWFO to check AAxisAvail? and BAxisAvail?
	Cleaned up FirstOp3 to use new checks placed in CSAngleA and CSAngleB

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.03
	Added ClearCSOffset to OpenMP: CloseMP: and SubCSMP:
	Added if AChange? OR BChange? to home postition call-out in SameToolOp1
	Started using Flag('3') to determine toggle between incrementing through MPs and decrementing through MPs
	Changed CloseMP to check Flag('3'). If true, the WFOs will increment from first to last. If false, the WFOs will
		decrement from last to first. 
			TRUE for 4 parts: G54P1, G54P2, G54P3, G54P4
			FALSE for 4 parts:  G54P4, G54P3, G54P2, G54P1
		This is most useful for tombstone machining on rotary tables. With this method, the code will machine part1, rotate, part2,
		rotate, part3, rotate, part4, tool change, part4, part3, part2, part1, toolchange, etc. It minimizes the rotation and also
		stops the machine from "winding up".
		To do this a new sub was created called ToggleIncDecWFO. The flag is set to true in ProgStart and toggled inside CloseMP
		after running through the parts
	Replaced SetZRepInc and RestoreAbsOrInc with one sub called DoAbsOrInc. Any line with SetZRepInc now
		has DoAbsOrInc as the first command after the SeqC.

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.04
	NewToolOp3 now has an AbsOrInc on the line that calls out the Plane 'G80' CRCOff
	NewToolOp5 no longer has the AbsOrInc command
	NewToolOp5b has been created and has the AbsOrInc command
	Changed MP1ToollAllPfu to call NewToolOp5b
	Added AbsOrInc and Rapid to the FirstOperation? section of MP1ToollAllPXcp
	Added Rapid to the NewTool? section of MP1ToollAllPXcp
	Started using Flag ('4') to turn on Inc/Dec WFO's (See above). True means use Inc/Dec WFO's.
	MP1ToollAllPXcp, MP1ToollAllPFU, and MPallTools1P now output WFO if NOT WorkFixtureOffsets?

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.05
	Replaced TrackZNO# ZDepth# with TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# in the drilling section
	Formatted TrackZNO# to #4

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.00.06
	Fixed RecallWFO: to output correct WFO# if WFOCS

{	Added ClearCSOffset to SubCSMP		TH}

	Format: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.10
	Added G52 style output for too many coordinate systems
	Updated to .10 format

{1/17/96, Updated .10 to .11 version, MPK}

 Copied: Fanuc 6M (FW) B001.11
 Created: Meldas 500M 0KK B970.11
 For: Armstrong Blum
 Machine: Mitsubishi CNC
 Control: Meldas 500M 0KK Series
 Versions: ncCad 4.33.02/ncCAM 4.33.01/ncPost 4.33.09/Catalyst v3.02.07/Compost
 Changes made per Jeff Kaiser and Lee Hench of Armstrong Blum.

 Mach Spec changes:
  Change Sub Call Label from P to L in Strings 2 Dialog.
  Change Sub Repate Label from L to P in Strings 2 Dialog.
  Change Program ID Label from O to L in Strings 2 Dialog.
  Changed Call Sub from M98 to G22 in Commands 3 Dialog.
  Changed Return From Sub from M99 to G23 in Commands 3 Dialog.
  Changed End Program from M30 to M2 in Commands 4 Dialog.
  Changed Optional End Program from M2 to M30 in Commands 4 Dialog.
  Changed First Work Fixture Offset from G54 to G1 in Commands 5 Dialog.
  Changed Last Work Fixture Offset from G59 to G48 in Commands 5 Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address D, from #0 to ##0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address F, from ###.#0;0. to ####.###;0. in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address H, from #0 to ##0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address L, from ###0 to #######0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address N, from ###0 to ####0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address O, from ###0 to #######0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Changed Format for Address S, from ###0 to ####0 in Default Formats Dialog.
  Added Format for Address U, V and W,  ####.####;0. in Default Formats Dialog.

 Prog Changes:
  Corrected problem with NotSameToolWFO sub.
   The problem concerned ToolChanges where WFOCS? = TRUE but ChangeCS? = FALSE.
    Post was outputting 'G' NewWFO# which equals FIRST WFO.
    Post should have called CSWFO instead.
    M001 forces WFO for FirstOperation and NewTool, even if it remains the same.
    NOTE: This is probably a global bug with most, if not all, Advanced Mill Posts.

  Changed NumOfCS from 6 to 48 two places at ProgStart.
   Post supports G54.1 P1 to P48 WorkFixtureOffsets.
   Changed literal 'G' to 'G54.1P' at CSWFO sub.
   Changed literal 'G' to 'G54.1P' at CalcCSWFO sub.
   Changed literal 'G' to 'G54.1P' two places at NotSameToolWFO sub.
  Moved call to InitOp sub outside of EachOp/NextOp loop at MPallTools1P, MP1ToollAllPfu,
   MP1ToollAllPXcp and NoMPs.
  Added StartUpStuff sub, called at end of InitOp.
   Added EachOp/NextOp loop at StartUpStuff sub.
    This loop outputs G10 blocks that load CSOffset values into controls WorkFixtureOffset Table.
    The post stores the initial CS# value to Var(1) prior to the loop.
    During the loop, CS# is compared to Var(1).
    When C# is GreaterThan Var(1), a new G10 block is output, and the new CS# value is stored in Var(1).
    This ensures that a CS# is not output a second time.
     This can happen when a user does a OneToolAllCSGroups type of output.
     Customer has been instructed to introduce the CS# values in incrementing order if they want all
      WorkFixtureOffsets to be loaded.
  Moved SafeStart block from FirstOp1 to StartUpStuff sub.
  Changed Seq to SeqC in SafeStart block at StartUpStuff sub.
  Added Rapid to SafeStart block at StartUpStuff sub.
  Added IncValue 'G28X0Y0Z0' block at StartUpStuff sub.
  Added 'G28B0' block at StartUpStuff sub.
   G28 returns the tool and/or table to the first reference position (origin (zero)).
  Moved output of WFO1 prior to call of FirstOp1 at MPallTools1P, MP1ToollAllPfu and MP1ToollAllPXcp.
  Added call to CSWFO prior to call of FirstOp1 at NoMPs.
  Added 'G30Y0.Z0.' at FirstOp1.
   G30 returns the tool and or table to the second reference position (origin (zero)).
  Added ProgStop at FirstOp1.
  Added Seq ' ' EOL block at FirstOp1, NewToolOp3 and SameToolOp1.
   Once before DoOpComments, and once after.
  Moved Speed SpinOn from FirstOp2 to FirstOp3 and FirstOp3a.
  Moved Speed SpinOn from NewToolOp4 to NewToolOp5 and NewToolOp5a.
   Follows OfstOn block.
  Added PreTool to StrtPos block at FirstOp3 and NewToolOp5.
  Added PreTool block at FirstOp3a and NewToolOp5a.
  Added DIV# to FORMAT#4 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
  Added CRCOffset# to FORMAT#5 at Prog Numeric Format Definitions.
  Added CkCRCLoad sub.
   Sub outputs 'G10L12P' CRCOffset# 'R' DIV# ToolDiameter# Num#('2').
    This block loads compensation value into CRCOffset Table when CutterRadiusCompensation = TRUE.
    G10 = Tool Compensation Offset input via program.
    L10 = Column 10, Cutter Diameter, of Offset Table.
    L11 = Column 11, Length Wear, of Offset Table.
    L12 = Column 12, Cutter Radius, of Offset Table.
    L13 = Column 13, Radius Wear, of Offset Table.
    P#0 = CRCOffset#
    R####.####;0. = Cutter Radius
   Sub is called following OfstOn block at FirstOp3, FirstOp3a, NewToolOp5, NewToolOp5a and
   Flag('5') controls when to output.
    SetFlagF(5) occurs at FirstOp3, FirstOp3a, NewToolOp5, NewToolOp5a and NewToolOp5b.
    Flag?(5) is tested two places at SameToolOp3.
     IF TRUE, CkCRCLoad sub is called.
  Moved SpinOff from NewToolOp2 to NewToolOp1.
  Changed OfstOff blocks to 'G30Y0.Z0.' at NewToolOp1 and End1.
  Changed OfstOff blocks to 'G30Z0.' two places at SameToolOp1.
   Deleted IncValue/AbsValue control at NewToolOp1, two places at SameToolOp1 and at End1.
  Deleted ToolChangeAtHome condition at NewToolOp2 and End2.
  Moved ToolChng block from NewToolOp3 to NewToolOp2.
  Changed Plane to PlaneC at NewToolOp3.
  Deleted 'G80' CRCOffC at NewToolOp3.
  Deleted OpToolID at NewToolOp3.
  Added ToolChng 'T0' block at End2.
  Deleted condition to unwind A and B axis.
   Post now simply outputs 'G28' for each axis.
  Changed 'P' CallMasterNum# to 'L' CallMasterNum# for CallMasterOp at IF Drilling.
  Added support of Reverse Tap Canned Drilling Cycle.
   IF Tap? AND NOT CWSpindle? will output 'G74' instead of Cycle.

 Added GetCoolOn sub for support of M58, ThruSpindleCoolant.
  PostScript Comments include SetFl...
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