
(45 KB) Pobierz
00:03:07:Tarkalal, is everything ready?|-Perfectly under control.
00:03:16:Chacha Thakur they`ve come
00:03:19:Why are you so anxious
00:03:21:See if Muscan is ready
00:03:23:This is very respectable|family so behave properly
00:03:26:Don`t worry dad.|I`ll handle it
00:03:29:You must have learnt from|rejection by 100 familles.
00:03:35:Hi Thakur sahib, namaste.
00:03:39:You`re having a grand|lifestyle here.
00:03:42:We`ve worked a little|rest is by the grace of God
00:03:48:He is my son Balvinder.|He is a bit...
00:03:54:Quite a bit. Please come in.
00:03:58:You had no problem finding|this place?
00:04:00:Of course not. Everybody|knows you around here.
00:04:10:That`s why we are here.
00:04:12:Would you have something?
00:04:15:Thakur sahib you know|why we have come here.
00:04:19:Certainly.|Ujala, bring Muscan here.
00:05:09:My son likes Muscan.|What`s your opinion?
00:05:16:Let me ask Muscan.|How do you like Dev Anand?
00:05:22:My liking or disliking is of no consequence.
00:05:25:First let them meet Vishal bhaiya.
00:05:33:Yes Vishal has to make decision.
00:05:41:Here comes Vishal.
00:05:46:They`ve proposed for Muscan.|-Yes.
00:06:00:People call me Biloo.
00:06:03:Biloo - don`t move too much.
00:06:07:Don`t worsen the situation.|-What`s your problem?
00:06:09:I can come to this family|only after Muscan`s marriage.
00:06:12:Uncle may I show our estate|to my would be brother-in-law.
00:06:17:No, no Vishal...|-Yes, yes...
00:06:23:Let two of them go Thakur sahib.|-Two will go, one will return.
00:06:33:Come on.|-Let`s go.
00:06:38:He`ll play the band.|-Band is part of the ceremony.
00:06:44:I`m afraid he might play|it right now.
00:06:50:Don`t worry Thakur|everything will be fine.
00:06:57:By now my Biloo and your Vishal|would have become buddies.
00:07:13:You don`t know my Biloo`s talking,|skills. Vishal will become his fan.
00:07:27:Why haven`t they come back?
00:07:33:Perhaps they are deciding|about the marriage.
00:07:44:Here they are coming.|But I don`t see Biloo!
00:07:50:I had told you|two will go, one will return.
00:08:06:What happened to you|my son?
00:08:20:Dad he showed me estate|from all angles...
00:08:24:from top to bottom, inside the|bush, from the treetop.
00:08:30:Oh, he is so badly scratched.
00:08:34:If you did not like my son|you should have said so.
00:08:37:I`d no idea he would be|so badly disfigured.
00:08:42:Let`s go Balvinder.|-Call me Biloo.
00:08:46:Boy was neither to your liking nor|mine, but why did you beat him?
00:08:54:What if his arms or legs|had broken.
00:09:32:I picked this Rakhi for brother.|How do you like it?
00:09:36:It`s good, but it is sister`s|festival - why are you asking me?
00:09:39:Who knows, you may have to tie|Rakhi to my brother some day.
00:09:43:Shut up. Never say this.|-You love affair is admirable...
00:09:47:brother doesn`t care about you,|but you always dreaam about him.
00:09:54:I dream too, but not in sleep.|I dream with my eyes open.
00:10:03:And I only dream about you.|-Really?
00:10:08:Yes, but how long will your|brother refuse your sultors?
00:10:13:Doesn`t he wants to get|you married?
00:10:18:What can he do? It is|hard to find a good match.
00:10:24:I`m available. Tell your|brother you like me.
00:10:30:If he proposes you to my family|the marriage would materialize.
00:10:38:Why don`t you say it to him?|-I would have said, but your
00:10:52:Finished talking?|-Yes I`m finished.
00:10:57:Baby you go home.
00:11:11:Any mischief again, your head will|be in with feet dangling out.
00:11:22:He turned off my light!
00:11:35:I`m here baby.
00:11:37:Oh you`re here.|I looked for you everywhere.
00:11:48:Forget what ever happened.|We`ve nothing to do with them.
00:11:52:I can`t tolerate anybody|insulting you.
00:12:00:Now stop talking|have some food.
00:12:12:You cooked it?
00:12:14:Yes.|It`s very tasty.
00:12:32:Wake-up brother.
00:12:36:Let me sleep baby.
00:12:38:Brother, please wake-up...|-Why?
00:12:40:Because today is sisters` day|and you`ve to do what I say.
00:12:45:Oh yes, it is Rakhi today.|-Had you forgotten.
00:12:49:How can I forget?|I live for this day.
00:12:57:Give me your hand.
00:13:12:May God bestow|all the happiness.
00:13:15:Just blessings won`t|suffice this year.
00:13:19:I`m going to ask for|something special!
00:13:22:What?|I want to go to Bombay.
00:13:25:Bombay? Why?
00:13:28:Because I want to|move with modern times.
00:13:31:I want to go to the city|for higher studies.
00:13:49:/Vishal - take care of Muscan|/like your daughter...
00:13:53:/Give her whatever she wants.|/-Son! Don`t let her miss us.
00:14:00:/She has no one except you.
00:14:06:Okey.|-Thank you brother. You`re great.
00:14:49:Friends! I`ve neither a|destination nor a companion.
00:14:55:Yet I`ve started from home|scarching someone...
00:14:59:To be my companion.|To be my destination.
00:15:04:/Oh my soulmate|/It`s search of your playmate
00:15:08:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:15:13:/Oh my soulmate|/it`s search of your playmate
00:15:17:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:16:04:/Oh queen of my|/dreams and thoughts
00:16:09:/Our love story|/will be retold in history
00:16:17:/Oh queen of my|/dreams and thoughts
00:16:22:/Our love story|/will be retold in history
00:16:27:/Oh my oblivescence|/I vow today
00:16:31:/I`ll find you|/in my love someday
00:16:40:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:16:46:/Oh my soulmate|/It`s search of your playmate
00:16:50:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:17:21:/Will she be like a|/beautiful fairy?
00:17:26:/How do I know|/How will be my darling?
00:17:34:/Will she be like a|/beautiful fairy?
00:17:39:/How do I know|/How will be my darling?
00:17:43:/But I think about you|/But I long for you
00:17:48:/And my heart wants to come|/Absolutely close to you
00:18:02:/Oh my soulmate|/It`s search of your playmate
00:18:06:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:18:12:/Oh my soulmate|/It`s search of your playmate
00:18:15:/You come in my dreams always|/Now come in to my life for ever
00:18:27:/Now come in to my life for ever
00:19:09:Can`t you see?
00:19:11:I can see darling - I bumped in to|you because you are so handsome.
00:19:16:Do we go brother?
00:19:31:Muscan you want to have|education in this jungle?
00:19:34:This is not a jungle brother|this is city`s best college.
00:19:37:That`s whay I see more animals|than human beings here.
00:19:42:Here`s the principal`s office -|smile please.
00:20:05:Chacha Thakur`s niece - I was|expecting you. Fill this form.
00:20:12:And he is?|-My elder brother.
00:20:16:Elder brother take the load off|your shoulders and have a seat.
00:20:24:In this college we put load|on brain not on shoulders.
00:20:29:Are you talking about loading|brains of empty-headed students?
00:20:36:Have textile mills closed that|girls don`t cover their bodies?
00:20:43:Can`t you see?|-Yes I can see. Have a seat.
00:20:48:Ornaments are for girls but boys|wear them - can`t you see?
00:20:54:Surely I can see.
00:20:57:Students smoke as if this is a|cigarette factory - can`t you see?
00:21:03:Yes friend I can see.|So why don`t you do something?
00:21:10:What can I do?|This is modern culture.
00:21:15:This culture must change now.|Baby is coming to study here.
00:21:28:Father`s name Vishal Thakur...|mother`s name Vishal Thakur too?
00:21:33:Vishal is my elder brother`s name.|After death of our parents
00:21:42:He has brought me up - he has|sacrificed his happiness for me.
00:21:49:My brother is everything for me.|-Understand? Let`s go.
00:21:59:Before you go I want to|tell you something.
00:22:04:Seeing your affection for each|other reminds of my sister.
00:22:12:I used to love her like you -|and I too used to harass people...
00:22:18:I mean counsel people.
00:22:23:But one day she fell in love|with a boy -
00:22:28:married him and ran away.
00:22:33:-Finished talking?
00:22:40:Perhaps I said something wrong!
00:22:44:You should not have talked|to him like this.
00:22:47:Do you know he is the head of|the college. He is principal.
00:22:51:Is your principal more|important than your brother?
00:22:59:No, for me nobody is more|important than my brother.
00:23:04:If you want anything, you don`t|need to write or phone
00:23:12:Just remember me and|I will come to you.
00:23:16:Okey?|- Okey.
00:23:25:Stop, where can you run from me.|- Help...
00:23:32:Hey Suraj please help me.|- Bullder! why are you beating her.
00:23:37:Suraj she threw eggs over me.
00:23:40:Did you throw eggs over him?|Come in front of me
00:23:44:So why did you throw eggs?|-I was just ragging him.
00:23:50:Ragging is for newcomers,|not your old friends.
00:23:54:And remember this our last and|final year in the college.
00:23:57:If wee pass!
00:24:11:What happened Suraj?
00:24:16:Nothing.|But something has happened.
00:24:24:Look at me.|Come on look at me.
00:24:42:Oh! She ignored you...|so insulting...
00:24:46:I can make her run after me|in a couple of minutes.
00:24:53:Do you want to bet?|Say five hundred...
00:24:56:Fifty thousand...|-One thousand
00:26:29:Only five second left...|no trace of Suraj.
00:26:39:Don`t look at your watch|look ahead!
00:26:47:That`s Suraj`s charisma.
00:26:53:Lost the bet.
00:27:39:Please listen.|Oh.
00:27:45:Why did you bring me to library?|What is the matter?
00:27:51:What is the matter?
00:27:54:Whatever she thinks about me,|but I feel attracted to her.
00:28:00:About whom?|- About her.
00:28:04:But who is she?|That girl with purse.
00:28:07:Which girl?|- One I was running...
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