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Published online 28 April 2008
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue
The RosettaDock server for local protein–protein
Sergey Lyskov
and Jeffrey J. Gray
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and
Program in Molecular and Computational
Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
Received January 31, 2008; Revised March 25, 2008; Accepted April 9, 2008
The RosettaDock server (http://rosettadock.graylab.
jhu.edu) identifies low-energy conformations of a
protein–protein interaction near a given starting
configuration by optimizing rigid-body orientation
and side-chain conformations. The server requires
two protein structures as inputs and a starting
location for the search. RosettaDock generates
1000 independent structures, and the server returns
pictures, coordinate files and detailed scoring infor-
mation for the 10 top-scoring models. A plot of the
total energy of each of the 1000 models created
shows the presence or absence of an energetic
binding funnel. RosettaDock has been validated on
the docking benchmark set and through the Critical
Assessment of PRedicted Interactions blind predic-
tion challenge.
Protein–protein interactions underlie many basic biologi-
cal processes, from signaling and regulation to recogni-
tion. Protein–protein docking, the task of predicting the
3D structure of a protein–protein complex from its com-
ponent structures, is useful in the absence of an experi-
mental structure to provide insights into the molecular
function of proteins such as the basis for recognition,
anity and specicity (1).
Several protein–protein docking servers are available on
the Internet, including ClusPro (2), GRAMM-X (3) and
ZDOCK (4) based on fast-Fourier transform methods for
grid matching; PatchDock and SymmDock (5) based on
shape complementarity principles and symmetry restric-
tions; and Hex based on spherical harmonic representa-
tions (6). These servers are fast and allow global docking
searches; however, the atomic-level accuracy of the models
are limited by the course-grained representation of the
RosettaDock is a structure-prediction-based pro-
gram, which searches the rigid-body and side-chain
conformational space of two interacting proteins to
nd a minimum free-energy complex structure (7).
RosettaDock has been highly successful in the blind
prediction challenge of the Critical Assessment of
PRedicted Interactions (CAPRI) (8), producing several
structures that were the most atomically accurate models
submitted by any group in the CAPRI challenge. Two
limitations of RosettaDock have been that (i) the
command-line interface can be dicult to use and (ii) it
requires signicant computational time to generate all-
atom models, typically requiring a cluster of computers.
To make the computation available to a broader
community, we have developed a RosettaDock server
(http://rosettadock.graylab.jhu.edu), where the interface is
simple and the computing resources are provided.
Currently, the computing cost requires us to limit the
public use to local searches near user-provided starting
conformations [30 A root mean-squared deviation
(r.m.s.d). of C
atoms]. Local searches are useful for
rening top-ranked models from global searches by other
docking methods or for searching for conformations given
constraints provided by experimental data such as site-
directed mutagenesis eects on binding anity.
RosettaDock is a multi-start, multi-scale Monte Carlo-
based algorithm, which has been described previously (7).
The low-resolution phase of the search includes cycles of
random rigid-body perturbations with a course-grained
representation of side chains as single pseudo-atoms. The
high-resolution (all-atom, including hydrogens) phase of
the search includes smaller rigid-body perturbations, side-
chain optimization via rotamer packing and continuous
minimization (9), and explicit gradient-based minimiza-
tion of the rigid-body displacement. Scoring in the low-
resolution phase includes residue–residue contacts and
bumps, knowledge-based terms for residue environment
and residue–residue pair propensities (7) and for anti-
body–antigen targets, a score to favor interactions with
antibody complementarity determining regions (10). In
the high-resolution phase, the energy is dominated by van
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +1 410 516 5313; Fax: +1 410 516 5510; Email: jgray@jhu.edu
2008 The Author(s)
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by-nc/2.0/uk/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue
der Waals energies (7), orientation-dependent hydrogen
bonding (11), implicit Gaussian solvation (12), side-chain
rotamer probabilities (13) and a low-weighted electro-
statics energy (7). For a local docking perturbation run
performed by the server, 1000 independent simulations are
carried out to generate an ensemble of models.
Structures of the docking partners are uploaded in the
standard Protein Data Bank (PDB) (14) coordinate le
format as two separate les or as a single le with the
docking partners separated by a TER record. Since the
RosettaDock server performs a local docking search near
the given starting conformation, the uploaded coordinate
les must provide a reasonable estimate for the starting
position. The protein partners should be placed near
contact (but not overlapping) with the relevant patches
of the proteins facing each other.
Several initial checks are performed on the uploaded
coordinate les, including checking the distance between
docking partners, the total number of residues and the
complete presence of all backbone atoms. The initial
distance between C
atoms in dierent docking partners
should not be less than 5 A to avoid initial collisions,
which can cause numerical instabilities. The total number
of residues in the proteins should be between 8 and 600.
Proteins with less than eight residues (or even more) are
unlikely to produce meaningful results, since backbone
exibility of short peptides is important but not captured
by the algorithm. Protein pairs over 600 residues are
prohibitively computationally expensive due to the all-
atom energy calculations performed; such proteins should
be manually truncated to isolate the putative interacting
(sub-)domain. Coordinate les with multiple structural
models (e.g. alternate NMR solutions) are not allowed. If
the uploaded les fail any of these criteria, the user is
notied immediately with an appropriate error message.
The user can optionally specify protein names and an
email address for notication when the docking task has
Figure 1 shows a representative output page from the
RosettaDock server. The server outputs the 10 best-
scoring structures with pictures and coordinate les in
rank order by energy. Each model output le includes the
scoring data of individual energy terms [van der Waals,
solvation, hydrogen bonding energies, etc.; see ref. (15) for
notation] for the whole-protein complex as well as residue-
by-residue breakdowns and intermolecular residue-pair
contributions. In addition, the server returns a plot of the
energies of 1000 structures created during the docking run
versus the r.m.s.d. from the starting input conformation.
The presence or absence of a ‘docking funnel’, where
many low-scoring decoys have similar r.m.s.d. values
indicating similar conformations, can inform the user of
the convergence of the run and by extension the
condence in the provided solutions (16). Finally, raw
scoring data for the 1000 decoys is provided as a at text
le. For deep analysis, the full set of 1000 decoys is
provided as compressed archive les. Scientists testing
their own scoring or renement procedures may use these
structures as starting congurations. Finally, a link is
provided to the documentation page, which explains the
output in detail, including a breakdown of the scoring
terms found in the coordinate les.
Since a docking computation can require days even on
multiprocessor clusters, the practical implementation is to
separate the front-end web process from the computation
daemon and engine. Figure 2 shows the implementation of
the server architecture. The front-end web server, imple-
mented in Python using TurboGears (http://turbogears.
org), provides results upon request for users and enters
docking tasks into a MySQL database once the submitted
input les pass initial checks. A back-end daemon pulls
tasks from the queue in the MySQL database, translates
the docking task into a Rosetta+
+ command-line
[including detecting antibody sequences to activate anti-
body options (10)] and submits a job to a Condor (http://
www.cs.wisc.edu/condor) queue. The Condor system runs
the job as time is available on a 200-processor Linux
cluster, which is shared with ongoing research tasks from
our lab (typically only a fraction of the cluster is used by
the server). Finally, the back-end daemon periodically
detects the status of the job to report, and eventually
enters the complete set of results into the MySQL
The server is designed to be able to utilize diverse
sources of computational power. The Condor queue is
extendable to heterogeneous pools of asynchronous com-
puters, and the submission task could even be switched to
distribute computing platforms such as BOINC (http://
boinc.berkeley.edu). In this way, we hope to eventually be
able to provide adequate computing power for a large user
base or to be able to distribute the server code to high-
demand users who might want to run jobs on their own
in-house facilities.
Since the RosettaDock web server opened in April 2007,
over 150 individuals have used the web server for more
than 800 docking jobs. Jobs typically require about 65
processor-hours and results are typically complete within
a few days of submission, although the time will vary with
the protein sizes, the server queue and the lab’s current
cluster load. Users are restricted to ve jobs in the queue
to speed access for all users. The website is free and open
to all users with no login requirement.
Accuracy of the RosettaDock server
In a large-scale test of RosettaDock, the program was
used to re-dock protein–protein complexes using either
bound or unbound components (7). When locally docking
unbound components in a location near the native
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue
Figure 1.
Sample results page. In this example, all 10 low-energy conformations are similar and the score versus r.m.s.d. plot exhibits a bind-
ing funnel at
A from the starting input conformation.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue
web server
Rosetta++ task
Rosetta++ Results
200 node
Figure 2.
System architecture.
complex structure, a near-native structure was successfully
identied in over 60% of cases with low-energy con-
formations within 10 A of the lowest-r.m.s.d. superposi-
tion of the unbound components onto the bound complex;
and in 80% of cases, one of the ve top-scoring models
correctly captured at least 25% of native residue–residue
contacts across the binding interface. The server also
incorporates the side-chain renement techniques
of Wang
et al.
(9), which improved the recovery of correct
rotameric side-chain conformations and discrimination
of near-native complex structures (as measured by
RosettaDock has also been repeatedly and successfully
tested in the CAPRI blind challenge on diverse targets
including antigen–antibody pairs, enzyme–inhibitor pairs,
regulatory proteins and others (17). In Rounds 3–5,
RosettaDock correctly predicted all ve targets under 450
total residues to medium or high accuracy, including
prediction of the complex of dockerin and cohesion where
the dockerin structure was obtained by homology model-
ing (18). In the recent Rounds 6–12 of CAPRI, two of ve
targets were predicted correctly using techniques available
on the web server [one in combination with the
RosettaInterface mode available on Robetta (19)]; other
targets pushed the boundaries of RosettaDock’s applic-
ability in backbone exibility and serve as precautions for
server users to carefully choose their targets and interpret
server results with caution (20). Several of our predictions
have been atomically accurate at the interface including
many side-chain conformations. For example, the TolB/
Pal model (Target 26, an unbound–unbound target)
included 47% of the native residue–residue contacts and
1.24 A interface residue C
r.m.s.d. to the complex
structure. Similarly, the complex of Orc1 with Sir1 was
predicted with 46% of the native residue–residue contacts
and 1.92 A interface r.m.s.d. Comparable accuracies were
achieved by Shueler-Furman
et al.
(21) and Wang
et al.
(22) using the RosettaDock method with several exten-
sions. Note that the most accurate structure was one of the
10 top-scoring structures, but not necessarily the top-
ranked model. Finally, in the recent rounds of CAPRI,
Rosetta has been additionally validated by other CAPRI
participants. Because of the ability of RosettaDock to
rene a local docked conformation to nd high-resolution
binding modes, other CAPRI participants successfully
used RosettaDock for renement and ranking in the
CAPRI experiment. One group produced correct
models for the scoring experiment with 30–55% native
residue–residue contacts and interface r.m.s.d. ranging
from 1.1 to 2.4 A (23), and another used RosettaDock
both before and after additional renement with steered
molecular dynamics (24).
Potential uses of the RosettaDock server
Given biochemical information, such as (but not limited
to) mutagenesis data, users can employ software like
Pymol (http://pymol.org) to manually orient the two
partners in a manner that agrees with the experimental
information, and then users can rene the structure using
RosettaDock to produce high-resolution structural
models of the complex (as in TolB/Pal and Orc1/Sir1
CAPRI targets, which both relied on local docking and
biochemical information). These results can then be
analyzed with RosettaInterface (25) to test whether the
mutagenesis data is recapitulated by the structural dock-
ing model and to suggest further mutations for validation.
Alternatively, if a reasonable guess of the docking
orientation can be determined from homologous struc-
tures or complexes in the PDB, that structure can also be
rened locally with some accuracy.
If structures of the individual components are not
readily available, they can be modeled
de novo
or by
homology by using a tool such as the Robetta server
(http://robetta.org) (19). We must caution that docking
has not been extensively tested with homology structures
and it is likely that accumulated errors will frustrate high-
resolution predictions. Thus, the incorporation of experi-
mental biochemical information becomes even more
We have followed this strategy to use RosettaDock to
predict antibody–antigen structures of therapeutic interest
to provide hypotheses on a drug mechanism (26) and
insights into anity maturation (27) for complexes, where
experimental structures were not available and crystal-
lization presented challenges. RosettaDock has also been
used on a family of rotavirus-specic antibodies and the
evolution of the neutralizing antibodies was exploited
to help validate the models (28). Other examples of
RosettaDock application targets range from calcium
channels (29) and malaria proteins (30) to antibody Fc
interactions (31). The RosettaDock method has been
combined with mass spectroscopy (32), cross-linking (32),
electron microscopy (33) and homology modeling
In additional to stand-alone use, RosettaDock can be
combined with other docking servers, using its capability
Nucleic Acids Research, 2008, Vol. 36, Web Server issue
10. Gray,J.J., Moughon,S.E., Kortemme,T., Schueler-Furman,O.,
Misura,K.M., Morozov,A.V. and Baker,D. (2003) Protein-protein
docking predictions for the CAPRI experiment.
11. Kortemme,T., Morozov,A.V. and Baker,D. (2003) An orientation-
dependent hydrogen bonding potential improves prediction of
specicity and structure for proteins and protein-protein complexes.
J. Mol. Biol.,
12. Lazaridis,T. and Karplus,M. (2000) Eective energy functions for
protein structure prediction.
Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol.,
13. Dunbrack,R.L. Jr. and Cohen,F.E. (1997) Bayesian statistical analysis
of protein side-chain rotamer preferences.
Protein Sci.,
14. Berman,H.M., Westbrook,J., Feng,Z., Gilliland,G., Bhat,T.N.,
Weissig,H., Shindyalov,I.N. and Bourne,P.E. (2000) The Protein
Data Bank.
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15. Liu,Y. and Kuhlman,B. (2006) RosettaDesign server for protein
Nucleic Acids Res.,
16. London,N. and Schueler-Furman,O. (2007) Assessing the energy
landscape of CAPRI targets by FunHunt.
17. Janin,J., Henrick,K., Moult,J., Eyck,L.T., Sternberg,M.J., Vajda,S.,
Vakser,I. and Wodak,S.J. (2003) CAPRI: a critical assessment of
predicted interactions.
18. Daily,M.D., Masica,D., Sivasubramanian,A., Somarouthu,S. and
Gray,J.J. (2005) CAPRI rounds 3–5 reveal promising successes and
future challenges for RosettaDock.
19. Kim,D.E., Chivian,D. and Baker,D. (2004) Protein structure
prediction and analysis using the Robetta server.
Nucleic Acids Res.,
20. Chaudhury,S., Sircar,A., Sivasubramanian,A., Berrondo,M. and
Gray,J.J. (2007) Incorporating biochemical information and back-
bone exibility in RosettaDock for CAPRI rounds 6–12.
21. Schueler-Furman,O., Wang,C. and Baker,D. (2005) Progress in
protein-protein docking: atomic resolution predictions in the
CAPRI experiment using RosettaDock with an improved treatment
of side-chain exibility.
22. Wang,C., Schueler-Furman,O., Andre,I., London,N.,
Fleishman,S.J., Bradley,P., Qian,B. and Baker,D. (2007)
RosettaDock in CAPRI rounds 6–12.
23. Wiehe,K., Pierce,B., Tong,W.W., Hwang,H., Mintseris,J. and
Weng,Z. (2007) The performance of ZDOCK and ZRANK in
rounds 6–11 of CAPRI.
24. Heifetz,A., Pal,S. and Smith,G.R. (2007) Protein–protein docking:
progress in CAPRI rounds 6–12 using a combination of methods:
the introduction of steered solvated molecular dynamics.
25. Kortemme,T., Kim,D.E. and Baker,D. (2004) Computational
alanine scanning of protein-protein interfaces.
Sci. STKE,
2004, pl2
26. Sivasubramanian,A., Chao,G., Pressler,H.M., Wittrup,K.D. and
Gray,J.J. (2006) Structural model of the mAb 806-EGFR complex
using computational docking followed by computational and
experimental mutagenesis.
27. Sivasubramanian,A., Maynard,J.A. and Gray,J.J. (2008) Modeling
the structure of mAb 14B7 bound to the anthrax protective antigen.
28. McKinney,B.A., Kallewaard,N.L., Crowe,J.E. Jr. and Meiler,J.
(2007) Using the natural evolution of a rotavirus-specic human
monoclonal antibody to predict the complex topography of a viral
antigenic site.
Immunome Res.,
29. Hulme,J.T., Yarov-Yarovoy,V., Lin,T.W.C., Scheuer,T. and
Catterall,W.A. (2006) Autoinhibitory control of the CaV1.2 channel
by its proteolytically processed distal C-terminal domain.
J. Physiol.,
30. Bertonati,C. and Tramontano,A. (2007) A model of the complex
between the PfEMP1 malaria protein and the human ICAM-1
Proteins Struct. Func. Genet.,
31. Sprague,E.R., Wang,C., Baker,D. and Bjorkman,P.J. (2006) Crystal
structure of the HSV-1 Fc receptor bound to Fc reveals a
mechanism for antibody bipolar bridging.
PLoS Biol.,
32. Schulz,D.M., Kalkhof,S., Schmidt,A., Ihling,C., Stingl,C.,
Mechtler,K., Zschoernig,O. and Sinz,A. (2007) Annexin A2/P11
interaction: new insights into annexin A2 tetramer structure by
chemical crosslinking, high-resolution mass spectrometry, and
computational modeling.
Proteins Struct. Func. Genet.,
of local searches to rene proposed docking positions. A
recent work combines ZDOCK with RosettaDock and
re-ranks RosettaDock models with signicant success
(36). In principle, RosettaDock could be used to rene
candidate solutions from any global docking method.
Recent work on protein–protein docking has included
tailored backbone exibility (20,22). We hope to expand
the server to this type of task (which would require more
sophisticated input schemes), however, like global dock-
ing, providing this service is limited by the amount of
computing resources we are able to donate to the public.
More recent work with docking protein ensembles (37) is
ecient and we plan to provide backbone exibility on the
server via this technique. Importantly, ensemble docking
allows the use of NMR solution-state structures as inputs.
Finally, due to inconsistencies in PDB coordinate les,
jobs sometimes are unable to complete the RosettaDock
program. As issues appear, we are continually implement-
ing various input le validity checks (such as the existing
missing backbone atom and protein size checks) toward
the goal of clearly reporting to the user all potential errors
for immediate correction.
This study was funded by the National Institutes of
Health (R01-GM073151, R01-GM078221). Michael Daily
provided some of the documentation for the server and
Sidhartha Chaudhury assisted in testing docking runs,
inspecting resulting output and reviewing the article.
Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for
this article was provided by the National Institutes of
Conict of interest statement.
None declared.
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