Kolokwium III - J. angielski.doc

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Zad. 1


1) Nerki wiele czynności muszą wykonywać CARRY OUT
The kidneys must carried out a lot of functions. lub (Kidneys have to carry out many functions)

2)Możliwe że to mógł być atak niedokrwienia MAY
It may have been an ischaemic attack.

3) The doctor said to take an aspirin TOLD
The doctor told me not to forget to take an aspirin

4) The baby had red spots on her face which look like measles. MUST
As the baby had red spots on her face we assume that it must be measles.

5) His GP referred him to the geriatrician. BY
He was referred to the geriatrician by his GP.

6) I would prefer to stay in a day unit. RATHER
I would rather stay in a day unit

7) Mr Smith responded well to the therapy so he was discharged home yesterday. NOT
Mr Smith is not still in the hospital because he responded well to the therapy
If Mr Smith had not responded well to the therapy he would not have been discharged home yesterday.

9) "Does the pain spread anywhere else?" the doctor wanted to know. IF
The doctor wanted to know if the pain spread(s) anywhere else

10) "He was admitted to hospital with diagnosis of laryngitis", doctor said. HAD
Doctor said he had been admitted to hospital with diagnosis of laryngitis

Zad. 2
1. Pacjent odczuwal kłujacy bol za mostkiem, promieniujacy do lewej reki i przyspieszenie akcji serca.
The patient felt the stabbing retrosternal pain, radiating to the left hand and tachycardia

2. Bóle mięśniowe mogą być łagodzone przez odpoczynek.
Muscle pain can be relieved by taking a rest.

3. Musisz ograniczyć spożycie cukrów i więcej się ruszać.
You must cut down on/ limit eating sugar and exercise more.

4. Pacjent został poddany operacji przeszczepiania nerki pobranej od dawcy niespokrewnionego.
The patient underwent a kidney transplant(ation), taken from an unrelated donor.

5. Powikłania nadciśnienia obejmują niewydolność lewokomorową serca, miażdżycę naczyń i udar mózgu.
Complications of hypertension include left heart failure, atherosclerosis and stroke.

6. Stan pacjenta się pogorszył i skierowano go na oddział chirurgiczny.
The patient's condition aggravated and he was referred to the surgical ward

7. Gdyby podczas transplantacji w 1943 lekarze wiedzieli o infekcji przepisaliby antybiotyki i pacjent by przeżył.
If during the transplantation in 1943 doctors had known about an infection, they would have prescribed antibiotics and the patient would have survived

8. Lekarz radził pacjentowi aby poddał sie operacji naczyn w celu poszerzenia naczyn wiencowych.
The doctor advised the patient to undergo a vessel surgery in order to extend coronary vessels.

9.Omdlenie jest to stan utraty przytomnosci co moze byc spowodowane zaburzeniem krazenia mozgowego.
Fainting/syncope is a condition of losing consciousness , which may be caused by brain circulation disorder.

10. Jesli zostaniesz pediatra bedziesz leczyl dzieci
If you become a pediatrician you will treat children

Zad. 3
1. He suffers from arthritis
--- What does he suffer from?

2.They are her/his patient
---Whose patients are they?

3. Duodenal cup is often affected by peptic ulceration
---What is the duodenal cup often affected by?

4. He has been vomiting since early in the morning.
---Since when has he been vomiting?

5. He felt better after taking the drugs.
---How did he feel after taking the drugs?

Zad. 4
replace - replacement
mark- markedly
prophylaxis- prophylactic
normal- abnormal

Zad. 5

Zad. 6

Zad. 7
z lewej: z prawej:
tingling- pins and needles
tinnitus - ringing in the ears
jaundice - yellow skin
diuretic - water tablet
hoarseness- rough voice



Zad. 1
1) …
A lot of functions are carried out by the liver.

2) The baby had red spots on her face which look like measles. MUST
As the baby had red spots on her face we assumed that it must be measles.

3) …
Tablets must have helped me

4) …
He wouldn’t have been discharged yesterday if he had not responded well on therapy

5.)His GP referred him to the geriatrician. BY
He was referred to the geriatrician by his GP.

6) The doctor said to take an aspirin. TOLD
Doctor told me not to forget to take an aspirin


Zad. 2
1) Pacjent odczuwal kłujacy bol za mostkiem, promieniujacy do lewej reki i przyspieszenie akcji serca.
The patient felt a stabbing retrosternal pain, radiating to the left hand, and tachycardia.

2) Bóle miesniowe moga byc lagodzone przez odpoczynek
Muscle pain can be relieved by taking a rest.

3) Pacjent zostal przyjety na oddzial wewnetrzny z 2 tyg. historia dusznosci, obrzeku stawow i przewleklego kaszlu.
The patient was admitted to the MEDICAL WARD with a TWO-WEEK HISTORY of breathlessness (dyspnoea) , joints' swelling (oedema) and chronic cough.

4) Serce i pluca musza byc przeszczepiane w ciagu kilku godzin po smierci dawcy, podczas gdy nerki i watroba moga czekac prawie dobe

Heart and lungs must be transplanted within a few hours after the donor's death, while kidneys and liver can wait almost a day.

5) Przeszczepienie narzadu musi byc odpowiednio dobrane do organizmu biorcy.
Organ's transplantation must be properly matched to the recipient's organism.

6) Obrona miesniowa jest jednym z objawow zapalenia otrzewnej.
Muscle guarding is one of the symptoms of peritonitis.

7) Jesli stan zdrowia chorego nie poprawi sie, zastosujemy leczenie antybiotykami.
If the patient's health condition does not improve, we will use antibiotics' treatment.

8) Gdybym byla polozna, nie pracowalabym w pogotowiu.
If I was a midwife, I would not work in emergency.

9) Lekarz powiedzial pacjentce ze stale powinna kontrolowac poziom cukru we krwii
The doctor told the patient that she should control her sugar blood level continously.

10) Wywiad rodzinny ujawnil, ze cukrzyca jest choroba rodzinna u pacjentki.
Family history revealed that diabetes runs in her family.

Zad. 3
1) Patient felt BETTER after taking the pills.
How did the patient feel after taking the pills?

2) It was DR..... patient.
Whose patient was it?

3) Peptic ulceration often affects the DUODENAL CUP.
What does often affect the peptic ulceration?

4) He HAS BEEN VOMITING since early in the morning
Since when has he been vomiting?

5) He suffer from ……
What does the patient suffer from?

Zad. 4
numbness----> NUMB
frequency---> FREQUENT
pancreas----> PANCREATITIS
diet ----> DIETITIAN
rigid----> RIGIDITY
improve----> IMPROVEMENT
normal----> ABNORMAL
prophylaxis----> PROPHYLACTIC
significant----> SIGNIFICANTLY

Zad. 5
1) come on
2) recovery
3) prodromal
4) alleviate
5) examining
7) homogenic
8) susceptible
9)cut down on
10) rate

Zad. 6
z lewej: z prawej:
tingling- pins and needles
tinnitus - ringing in the ears
jaundice - yellow skin
diuretic - water tablet
hoarseness- rough voice

Zad. 7

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