In the jungle teacher.doc

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Level: A1

Aim: to practice basic vocabulary on places and simply have fun

Missing words: jungle, village, lion


1.       Pre-teach vocabulary:

·         show a picture of a lion, ask ss where the lion lives and what it can do there(hunt, play and , of course, sleep!)

·         ask ss where they live; elicit: city, town, village

2.       Play beginning of the recording. Ask ss if they recognize the song (“The Lion Kong”)

3.       Play the recording once, ss fill in the gaps

4.       If ss have problems, draw their attention to the words taught at the start of the lesson and play the recording for the second time

5.       Check ss’ answers by pointing them, if a s gives an incorrect answer, ask the class to correct him/her

6.       Teach ss the song

·         Ss repeat parts of the song after T, usually each line should be divided into 3 parts to be repeated, after repeating parts, ss repeat the whole line after the teacher

·         T teaches ss gestures to illustrate the vocabulary (mighty, quiet, to  sleep, peaceful, hush, don’t fear)

·         T plays the non-words parts and ss repeat the sounds they hear, T asks them to be loud and be as accurate as possible

·         Ss sing the song and show appropriate gestures for the words (quiet, peaceful and hush are illustrated with the same gesture)

7.       Ss watch the video and sing the song

8.       Afterwards, T elicits the animals that live in the wild in general(zebra, elephant, penguin ect)

9.       Ss work with dictionaries and add 5 animals to their lists (they have 5 minutes to do this)

·         They write their animals on the pieces of paper given by T

·         One s collects the answers in the box

10.   SS play charades in two teams. They present an animal which they picked from the box and the leader of their team gives the answer. Answer in ss’ native lg: 1 point, in English: 3 points

11.   After the game ss may sing the son again or watch a part of the Lion King.

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