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{3866}{3961} - nowa jakosc napisów.|Napisy zostaly specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{3962}{4078}You should get a discount,|if you die visiting your beloved.
{4192}{4256}I don't know why you|picked the hilltop.
{4258}{4340}Not exactly like you|can take in the view.
{4518}{4571}Happy Birthday Sarah Elizabeth.
{5213}{5316}Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no.
{5923}{6043}You give me a present.|I'll give you a present.
{6217}{6343}Ten foot ceilings,|original Georgian classic cornices.
{6345}{6419}We have rich quarter sawn oak floors.
{6421}{6536}You don't find quality craftsmanship|in anything that is built today.
{6548}{6611}We have a formal dining room.
{6657}{6747}French doors opening to the patio.
{6752}{6853}And this is the kitchen.|Double Viking Range.
{6855}{6904}Too expensive.
{6933}{6984}What? Are you an appraiser?
{6986}{7046}5.7, 5.8 tops.
{7048}{7109}Mister Little, I think|what Le Duc is asking
{7111}{7184}is just whether there might be|a little wiggle room in the price?
{7219}{7286}- He loves the house.|- Tour is over.
{7288}{7395}Oren. Please. No one meant any|offense with the verbal offer.
{7397}{7485}Let me explain something to you.|Wiggle room is squeezing into
{7487}{7570}a pair of pants too small|and hoping they don't split.
{7572}{7637}You got enough wiggle room|you can call extortion a loan.
{7639}{7719}- Kidnapping, a get together.|- Point taken.
{7721}{7793}Probably not the right term for|a three million dollar disparity.
{7795}{7856}By the way, we're not Chinese.
{7858}{7905}Rape is just another|sign of affection.
{7907}{7984}- What do you mean you're not Chinese?|- Vietnamese.
{7992}{8053}Well, I was in the area.
{8090}{8156}Sorry this didn't work out, Oren.|He was a cash buyer.
{8158}{8243}This house is worth 8.6 million,|that's what it's going to sell for.
{8245}{8318}I have other clients flying in.|They saw the house on the Internet.
{8320}{8349}Thursday at noon?
{8351}{8432}- Where are they from?|- Black.
{9362}{9506}<i>Hide your heart from sight</i>
{9554}{9674}<i>Lock your dreams at night</i>
{9770}{9892}<i>It could happen to you</i>
{10022}{10148}<i>Don't count stars</i>
{10162}{10232}<i>Or you might stumble</i>
{10719}{10770}I can't...
{11231}{11327}Oh my, what are those kids doing here,|they came out of nowhere.
{11333}{11365}Oh, my God.
{11367}{11461}I'll see you tomorrow.|Okay. Bye kids.
{11466}{11535}- Oh, my gosh!|- Hey, Leah!
{11537}{11577}- What?|- Is the noise okay?
{11579}{11651}No. I love the commotion,|are you kidding?
{11653}{11734}Look what I taught these guys.|Boys! Mister Little.
{11736}{11800}Too much noise! Too much noise!
{11802}{11909}I love that finger wag.|Nice touch guys. Oh, mojito, Kate?
{11911}{11959}Oh, desperate for one.
{11961}{12023}Too much noise! Too much noise!
{12130}{12236}- Touch my car and I'll have you spayed.|- Neutered.
{12238}{12320}For Pete's sake, cut their hair!|Dress them like men!
{12322}{12409}Is what you're going to say really|worth what I'm about to say back.
{12411}{12484}Oh, okay...
{12960}{13022}- Would you care to join us, Mr. Little?|- Who's 'us'?
{13024}{13118}- Kate. She's coming down for a mojito.|- Cheers.
{13191}{13249}You know you should have let them|move downstairs with the children
{13251}{13293}and then you could have|taken their apartment.
{13295}{13358}This is the one that was available,|this is the one I took.
{13360}{13450}But they told the manager they wanted|your place before it was even empty.
{13452}{13538}So, if you ask me something|fishy went on for you...
{13540}{13598}I was the number|one realtor in sales,
{13600}{13681}seven years in a row,|back in the 90's. Entire county.
{13683}{13731}I know everybody.
{13733}{13795}And half of everybody I know,|thinks they know me, so...
{13797}{13882}complain to the manager.
{13915}{13971}- Give me the snake!|- No!
{13973}{14018}Too much noise.
{14020}{14088}Too much noise! Too much noise!
{14090}{14193}If this is where number one lives?|God help number two.
{15586}{15656}Hey, buddy.
{15660}{15711}You all right?
{15715}{15758}What's this?
{15806}{15898}Now, what dumb ass would|shoot you with a paint ball gun.
{15937}{16034}Okay, I like this drink,|but I think it's a little...
{16036}{16118}- Evening.|- Hello!
{16141}{16223}- How are you feeling?|- Good.
{16225}{16278}If he parked over just a little|bit we wouldn't have to hunt
{16280}{16377}- for a space on the street.|- Complain to the manager.
{16379}{16462}- Hey, Peter. How was that water?|- Choppy.
{16464}{16530}- Choppy?|- Let's get you out of this wet suit.
{16532}{16626}Put this guy on, put the towel up.
{16628}{16720}Is that enough for you?
{16722}{16787}For Pete's sake, will you cover your|dick, I'm trying to eat a sandwich.
{16789}{16854}Is that language really necessary?
{16857}{16943}- Complain to the manager.|- We have. Everyone has.
{16945}{16993}- Well, I...|- Oh, everyone?
{16995}{17031}And we're calling again tomorrow
{17033}{17079}to tell her how rude|and selfish you are.
{17081}{17168}So I got a dick in my face,|right, somehow I'm to blame.
{17170}{17209}He said dick!
{17211}{17293}- Okay...|- You called the manager on me, huh?
{17295}{17348}Yeah, a number of times actually.
{17350}{17389}Well, during one of those times
{17391}{17503}did she happen to mention|that I own this building.
{17517}{17591}- You own...|- Little Shangri-la.
{17789}{17894}Something to think about the next|time you get an itch to rat me out.
{17931}{17994}Look, I don't care if you|do own the building.
{17996}{18049}My wife is going to give birth soon.
{18051}{18125}Yesterday we had to park a block away
{18127}{18197}because you refuse to move|your car just a few feet.
{18199}{18252}Please share the drive way.
{18254}{18334}- Or what?|- Or nothing.
{18352}{18413}I'm asking as a favor.
{18523}{18630}You need to have a|little compassion. Okay?
{18662}{18723}Sorry about my dick.
{19151}{19228}My wife died of cancer.
{19259}{19349}For two years, I bathed her,|I changed her...
{19351}{19410}I cooked for her. I fed her.
{19412}{19479}I even prayed for her.
{19481}{19589}And I cried all I'm|ever going to cry.
{19592}{19648}I had compassion.
{20102}{20153}- Claire.|- Oren.
{20155}{20261}- Good morning, Oren. Today at noon?|- Wouldn't miss it, Teddy.
{20279}{20349}The house is not worth 8 million.|And it's 'Ted.'
{20351}{20435}8.6 million, Teddy.
{20463}{20544}- How long have you been in the business?|- Seven years, as you well know.
{20546}{20619}- Everyday is better than the last.|- Don't be a smart ass.
{20621}{20685}We've been here since your|Grandfather started this business
{20687}{20772}44 years ago. So where do you|get the gall to second guess
{20774}{20863}- the listing of an Oren Little?|- I don't have gall, Grandma.
{20865}{20944}I have comps. And they|don't support an 8 million...
{20946}{21039}Excuse me, an 8.6|million dollar list price.
{21041}{21101}When he was a baby,|he used to play with his willy
{21103}{21184}like it was a rambunctious puppy.
{21200}{21292}All I need is just one last sale|before I cast my line in the river.
{21294}{21376}And if he can help me,|I'll play with his willy.
{21378}{21437}The only way you're going to get|anywhere near a river is if you...
{21439}{21492}lower the asking price.
{21494}{21574}You'll get 5.8, not a penny more.
{21576}{21681}And you'll get hit by a bus if the|driver does what he's paid to do.
{21706}{21843}That's a Viking 48H duel fuel range.|With a convection oven.
{21845}{21920}A Sub-Zero refrigerator and freezer.
{21922}{22015}Both energy star and Kosher certified
{22017}{22101}- if you're Sammy Davis Junior.|- Who?
{22173}{22210}Look at this, two of them here
{22212}{22271}and neither one of them knows|who Sammy Davis Junior is.
{22273}{22322}Who is he?
{22324}{22368}Oh, Jesus Christ.
{22370}{22424}We have a Thermador|dishwasher here...
{22426}{22527}and Clive Christian cabinetry|all the way around.
{22694}{22795}If you'll wait outside I'll|join you after the showing.
{22802}{22878}- You're selling our house?|- One client at a time.
{22880}{22984}- I thought Common owned this house.|- Who's Common?
{23051}{23124}- Dad?|- One client at a time, Luke!
{23126}{23173}We've seen enough.
{23176}{23298}The children's bedrooms|and game room are upstairs.
{23522}{23621}I like the new kitchen.|So is my bedroom the same...
{23623}{23727}or did you put a picture of a kid|who's not an addict in that room?
{23746}{23801}What are you doing here?
{23803}{23858}I don't know, I thought I|should check in every death
{23860}{23936}or ten years, whichever comes first.
{23941}{24046}You still got the scar from|rolling down the hill.
{24052}{24114}Yeah, you shouldn't buried|mom on a mountaintop.
{24131}{24243}It was a hill. And the only reason you|rolled down it is cause you were so high,
{24245}{24323}you passed out and hit|your head on a gravestone.
{24325}{24400}- Well, I'm sober now.|- Well, good for you.
{24402}{24451}And I'm going to prison.
{24520}{24609}- I shouldn't ask you this...|- That's a bad start to a sentence.
{24611}{24705}I need you to take care of|my daughter while I'm gone.
{24835}{24875}You've got a daughter?
{24877}{24991}Heroin's an ugly drug that|gave me a beautiful girl.
{24996}{25052}Her name is Sarah.
{25065}{25149}- That was your mother's name!|- She'll be ten next month.
{25151}{25257}- She's got no where else to go, Dad.|- Where's the mother?
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