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How Commitment Works For Men
All Rights Reserved © 2008
How Commitment Works For Men
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2008
By reading further, you understand that the information contained within this special report is an
opinion, and should be used for entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your own
behavior, and none of this report is to be considered legal, medical, or personal advice.
All Rights Reserved © 2008
How Commitment Works For Men
“What’s the deal with men and commitment?”
Good question.
More to the point,
I’ll bet that you’ve uttered that phrase to yourself more than once. Probably you’ve spent
more than a few hours discussing it with friends, too – whether for your own benefit, or
theirs. (Most likely, both.)
The problem with that is, when women ask themselves a question about a
aspect of being male,
who do they go to?
Not men, but women!
Understandable, yes …
I doubt it.
Combine that with the fact that men and women communicate with each other about as
clearly as a sighted person r
eads Braille, and you’ve got an instruction
manual for chronic confusion.
If there’s one thing that puts the dampeners on a great relationship – or even a
great relationship – it’s an inability to communicate what we really want and need to each
And it’s not because we don’t
to communicate well. Men and women spend a lot of
time thinking about their relationships and how to make them better: for example,
of men spend more than an hour a day thinking about their relationships
We all want to know what men really think: about us, our bodies, what makes them
happy, what they need from us, and
what they really think about commitment.
Men, Love & Sex,
p xiv
All Rights Reserved © 2008
How Commitment Works For Men
Ultimately, my goals in writing this special report for you are twofold.
Since such an overwhelming number of women admit that they lack so much as a clue
about ‘how men work’, and yet continue to formulate beliefs about that very topic – most
of them wildly off-base - my first goal is to blow the cobwebs from what a lot of women
think about men and commitment.
(For example, the idea that men are ‘hardwired’ to avoid commitment. What kind of
mean-spirited lie is that, and who made it up?)
And number two: I’d like to provide you with the foundations for a lifetime of long, happy,
and fulfilling relationships with men: the insights necessary to strengthen, intensify, and
deepen your bond with the man (or men) in your life.
For quite some time now, I’ve been privileged to be a dating and relationships coach for, one of the largest relationships-and-dating-advice arenas on the
Internet. We tackle the gamut of female problems about men – and, since our advice is
gender-specific, but still caters for both genders, we
handle an ongoing parade of
male problems about women.
What this means is that I have priority access to the minds of men.
Every day, I work with male readers and clients to figure out what they’re really thinking:
about what they want, what their problems are, what they want from a date, a girlfriend,
a wife … and (of course) the biggie: whether those ‘little things’ that women worry about
really impact
on your long-term commitment prospects.
And yes, the question of commitment comes up just as often with men as it does with
This isn’t a report about how to ‘get a guy to commit to you’ (as it so turns out, my
colleague Amy Waterman’s actually written an entire book on that very subject … you can
find it at this address:
Nope, in this report, I’ve taken the three commitment-related questions from my readers
that surface again and
in their letters and emails to me:
What does it
when he checks out other women?
Does his silence mean he’s going off me?
Just how important
my looks?
All Rights Reserved © 2008
How Commitment Works For Men
As someone who deals with women and their relationship questions and issues on a
regular basis, I’ve gotta say that these questions (and variants of them) are the Big Three:
the questions I get asked more than just about
anything else
in relation to commitment …
…other than (of course) ‘How can I get him to commit to me?’ … and again, you’ll have to
read Amy’s book if you want to find that one out!
However: I know that, since I’m a woman, you’re most likely predisposed to doubt what
I have to say. How could I – a female –
really know
the truth about what these guys think
and want?
Well … I happen to agree with you. And so I’ve ceded authority on the matter to the very
creatures whose opinions we so desperately want: the men themselves.
To create this special report, has performed an anonymous survey of
over 400 of its male readers - ranging in age from 17 through to over 70 (with the majority
falling between 25-55) - on their beliefs, fears, wants, and needs.
The information from this poll form the backbone of this special report – and (I hope) the
basis for your future interactions with men. I hope this knowledge helps you to create
stronger, sexier, happier, healthier, more rewarding, and more
relationships with men.
Onward, soldier …
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