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{2653}{2748} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{2750}{2793}Ogl¹daj legalnie, polecaj i zarabiaj –
{2845}{2872}Hang in there, man.
{3055}{3125}Lighten up, McNally. It's only a game.
{3397}{3455}Hey, man, believe it or not,|you made the starting line-up.
{3460}{3485}No shit?
{3487}{3525}Yeah, Andrews has the chicken pox.
{3536}{3587}You're good for two games, at least.
{3589}{3621}Well, that's great.
{3628}{3684}If you don't like it, why do you do it?
{3734}{3774}Baseball's my life.
{6763}{6830}Jomo. Jomo! Come here.
{6859}{6885}Come here.
{6887}{6913}Now, listen, Jomo.
{6924}{6972}I want you to take this to Harry, all right?
{6977}{7043}Take it to Harry! Come on!|Take it to Harry! Take it to Harry!
{7045}{7070}Go on! Take it to Harry!
{7081}{7106}Take it to Harry!
{7119}{7177}Go on! Go on, Jomo!
{7674}{7701}Jomo! Jomo!
{7740}{7765}Come on! Come on!
{7833}{7861}Get down! Get down!
{8097}{8122}All right, come on.
{8322}{8397}-I still think you should go.|-No, I can't get off from work.
{8399}{8477}But you're the only one that knows all|those statistics. I can't remember nothing.
{8479}{8530}My brain's a sieve.|How do you learn it all that stuff?
{8532}{8590}It's in the government reports.|It's in the library.
{8594}{8630}You think they'll really listen to us?
{8636}{8713}Well, if they don't, there's going to be|1,500 barrels of radioactive waste...
{8715}{8740}buried just a few miles from here...
{8742}{8793}and you might have grandchildren|with three heads.
{8810}{8848}Now, look, I'm going to rehearse you.
{8858}{8905}And there's a delegation|from Point Arena going, too.
{8907}{8949}Jerry Baker. He's very good on his feet.
{8954}{8989}And Joe will be there.
{8991}{9050}Look, I got to go. I'll miss my ride. Okay?
{9059}{9144}Martha, remember the study group's|at my place on Thursday.
{9186}{9211}How did it go?
{9213}{9256}They wanted me to go to Tallahassee|and lobby.
{9258}{9295}I talked them into sending Joe and Paula.
{9297}{9324}Joe and Paula?
{9326}{9368}It's okay. They'll be all right.
{9370}{9460}The nerve those assholes have,|putting that shit near human beings.
{9462}{9518}Let's blow this pop stand. I'm starving.
{10437}{10506}We got shoes, two cars, four feds.
{11891}{11960}Mom, there's Jomo.
{11969}{12013}You two,|get out of your jeans and into bed.
{12016}{12064}What's gonna happen to her?
{12073}{12137}-Someone will take her home.|-We never had to leave her before.
{12139}{12164}Sorry, kid.
{12166}{12220}-He got to keep that.|-I thought I told you to get in to bed.
{12222}{12260}-It's morning.|-Get into bed!
{12325}{12369}I'm going to wash my hair.
{12588}{12620}Who's this?
{12643}{12690}Mom and Dad. Who do you think?
{12692}{12730}You're kidding.
{12744}{12828}"Arthur and Annie Pope|continue to elude capture...
{12840}{12908}"despite sightings of the couple,|who went underground...
{12910}{13010}"after claiming responsibility|for the 1971 bombing...
{13012}{13092}"of the University of Massachusetts|military research lab."
{13134}{13172}What does "elude" mean?
{13174}{13210}Not getting caught.
{13217}{13315}"The laboratory is credited|with the development of napalm...
{13322}{13402}"used extensively in the Vietnam War."
{13419}{13453}Why did they have to blow it up?
{13455}{13523}They didn't stop making it|when they asked them politely.
{13525}{13572}Come on, Danny, I'm serious!
{13612}{13656}They were dropping that stuff on people.
{13758}{13820}"Annie Pope is the former|Anne Patterson...
{13822}{13934}"daughter of Donald Patterson,|president of American Telekinetics."
{13962}{14003}Is this Grandpa?
{14147}{14202}-It must be.|-And Grandma?
{14289}{14329}Do you remember them?
{14386}{14431}-No.|-Not even a little?
{14489}{14537}They look kind of uptight.
{14616}{14684}-Industrial waste all around.|-Rad!
{14686}{14762}Get them while they're hot.|Get them before they rot.
{14810}{14878}-Where's your mother?|-She's in the shower.
{14962}{15037}I talked this morning with some of the|people who knew the Pope family best.
{15039}{15089}John Kungle played ball|with the young man...
{15091}{15161}who was known here in Florida City|as Richard McNally.
{15164}{15236}He was a good student, and a good friend?
{15242}{15273}He was a cool dude.
{15301}{15341}That's how legends are made.
{15343}{15391}What's his IQ? 49?
{15402}{15462}-He's going to UCLA.|-No kidding?
{15469}{15541}No, I'm not kidding.|I said, he's going to UCLA.
{15547}{15575}Excuse me.
{15587}{15637}These photos of the couple|are 20 years old...
{15639}{15686}and are not considered too reliable.
{15689}{15797}The couple is still wanted for the|1971 bombing of their university lab...
{15799}{15843}in which a janitor was blinded.
{15845}{15939}FBI officials in Miami said that despite|the presence of their two children...
{15941}{16025}the Popes should be considered|as possibly armed and dangerous.
{16030}{16072}In further local news....
{16107}{16145}There's food for you.
{16152}{16182}You look pretty, Mom.
{16184}{16224}Get into bed, Kimosabe.
{16440}{16494}Okay, let's see.
{16523}{16598}Blue eyes, blond hair. You're okay.
{16671}{16703}Or are you?
{16714}{16749}What's the matter, kid?
{16826}{16858}I don't know.
{16912}{16959}I just feel kind of lousy, you know?
{16961}{17010}You're supposed to feel that way at 17.
{17060}{17130}It's terrific not recognizing yourself|when you look in the mirror.
{17132}{17198}It's wonderful having a new name|every six months.
{17237}{17301}We were there a long time.|It's hard to leave.
{17336}{17387}We may have to cut your hair, too.
{17488}{17553}Maybe this time I could shave my head.
{17646}{17684}-Send your brother in.|-Yeah.
{17750}{17790}I hate this.
{17932}{17984}The Phillies won again last night.
{18005}{18052}Things are looking good, then.
{18056}{18101}Things are looking great.
{18182}{18230}The MacArthur feud with Truman.
{18232}{18292}I don't think we covered that|in the local paper.
{18296}{18346}Maybe you better try The Washingtonian.
{18348}{18429}No, I'm interested in how it affected|the heartland of the nation...
{18431}{18461}the small communities.
{18475}{18563}-This is social history.|-I could show you The Eagle.
{18567}{18647}We just put our back issues on microfilm.
{18727}{18791}-This is it?|-Take it right over there.
{18793}{18818}Thank you.
{19645}{19701}St. Martin's Hospital, Medical Records.
{19755}{19808}-Three dollars?|-Yes.
{19828}{19879}Where do you want it mailed,|Mr. Mansfield?
{19921}{19954}No, I'll pick it up.
{19957}{20026}I need to get a passport.|The company's sending me to Cairo.
{20033}{20066}-Are you in oil?|-Military.
{20104}{20190}You're listening to your favorite|oldies station in Norfolk, Virginia....
{20397}{20465}Ralph, the cat needs to be fed.
{22322}{22354}Need anything else?
{22356}{22436}-No. I'll call the booth again in two weeks.|-Okay.
{22468}{22505}Listen, your mother....
{22531}{22600}She died four weeks ago. Cancer.
{22619}{22662}Your father was with her.
{22664}{22712}You were just too hot to contact.
{22738}{22810}He said to tell you not to worry about him.|He's okay.
{24051}{24092}Okay, who wants lunch?
{24148}{24208}How's tuna?
{24278}{24365}There's a kid in my class who traded me|Duke Snider for Valenzuela.
{24367}{24406}Yeah, so?
{24424}{24461}So, he's a jerk.
{24479}{24536}Snider's worth about $20.
{24545}{24601}He's from the Brooklyn Dodgers.
{24613}{24651}He's old.
{24701}{24771}This card is an antique.
{24907}{24963}-Can I have white bread?|-Just eat it.
{24983}{25013}Hey, kid.
{25017}{25065}You. What's your name?
{25119}{25191}-Why are you asking him that?|-He's not used to it yet.
{25221}{25274}He better get used to it fast.
{25314}{25346}What's my name?
{25393}{25437}-Paul.|-Paul what?
{25457}{25497}-Paul Manfield.|-Spell it.
{25749}{25780}-What's your mother's name?|-Just stop it.
{25782}{25807}I'm waiting.
{25848}{25876}And your brother?
{25890}{25922}Stephen, all right?
{26039}{26082}What the hell's your problem?
{26084}{26128}I got some clothes in the city.
{26150}{26238}You can wear the thrift shop ones.|The new ones...
{26250}{26290}have to be washed first.
{26308}{26340}Yes, sir!
{26676}{26720}Sorry about this afternoon.
{27012}{27044}Sophie's dead.
{27167}{27244}A month ago. The big "C."
{27370}{27395}Oh, babe.
{27455}{27539}I talked to her after the feds came,|to tell her we were okay.
{27589}{27625}She never let on.
{27687}{27751}I can just see her|standing there with Morris.
{27759}{27819}Two fat old Jews, ex-Bolsheviks...
{27823}{27915}talking to their red-diaper baby|on a phone from a Laundromat...
{27920}{27967}and she's fucking dying.
{28084}{28124}That lady loved me.
{28168}{28244}Last winter, when they arranged|for her to meet me in Chicago...
{28252}{28316}she flew there on an hour's notice...
{28326}{28382}alone, in a blizzard.
{28398}{28442}She's terrified of flying.
{28454}{28506}She was green when she got off the plane.
{28522}{28578}I took her over to the lounge to talk...
{28582}{28686}and we sat in a corner and I said,|"I wish it was easier."
{28706}{28790}"You wish it were easier," she says.
{28822}{28878}She's correcting my grammar...
{28886}{28946}like I'm one of the kids she teaches.
{29077}{29133}There's nothing left to go back to now.
{29162}{29234}There's only us and the boys.
{29242}{29282}We're all that...
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