Niebezpieczna gra. Dangerous Game CD1.txt

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00:00:26:Will you eat on the plane?
00:00:27:No. I hate plane food.
00:00:33:Well, I hope this tastes better.
00:00:37:Have some faith in yourself.|This is going to taste fantastic.
00:00:41:- I'll bet you it does. Watch.|- Taste it.
00:00:44:I'll bet you this tastes so good|that I'm not going to believe it.
00:00:56:- Want a steak?|- No.
00:00:59:That's why Tommy didn't want pasta,|I guess.
00:01:02:- It's delicious.|- Yeah, right. Thank you.
00:01:06:The perfect gentleman.
00:01:08:I said it's delicious.
00:01:12:Thank you, darling. Thank you.
00:02:01:Don't forget me, kid. I'm your daddy.
00:02:39:<i>Romulo, listen, we're celebrating</i>|<i>the beginning of our new movie.</i>
00:02:44:<i>- Would you sing a song for us?</i>|<i>- I'd be glad to.</i>
00:02:46:<i>You would? Thank you.</i>
00:03:38:The story I'm telling,|<i>The Mother of Mirrors...</i>
00:03:41:concerns a husband and wife|who have agreed upon...
00:03:46:a certain lifestyle to help them to live.
00:03:52:In that relationship,|the wife has a change of heart...
00:03:55:about the lifestyle that they're living,|which has included...
00:03:57:multiple sex partners and drugs.
00:04:01:Sort of a very materialistic living.
00:04:04:And she has had a change of mind.
00:04:09:And has come to understand for herself|that, that lifestyle is a lie.
00:04:14:Whereas her husband, he feels...
00:04:20:that the way of life they agreed upon...
00:04:23:involving multiple sex,|drugs and everything, is for him a truth.
00:04:30:However horrendous it might be,|or however hellish that truth might be...
00:04:34:he needs that.
00:04:35:That, he feels, is giving him something,|is taking him someplace...
00:04:40:that is as truthful...
00:04:42:as her religious discoveries.
00:04:45:Not only that...
00:04:47:but he feels that|those religious discoveries are shams.
00:05:01:I think he was on the set talking with Sarah.
00:05:06:He left after that.
00:05:07:Check his camper.
00:05:11:Eddie, we got him.
00:05:12:You got him. It's okay, we got him.
00:05:15:He's on the set.
00:05:30:You don't know where he is.
00:05:33:Quiet back there, please.
00:05:41:$1,500 fucking sofa.
00:05:43:All this shit!|Gonna burn it down to the fucking ground.
00:05:47:Torch this fucking house tonight|and not even blink.
00:05:51:Burn you and me in it.
00:05:57:Yeah, Frank.
00:06:01:I want you to take your time to build it.
00:06:03:I want you to take the time to build it.|He's looking for satisfaction and can't get it.
00:06:08:He ain't getting it from the booze.
00:06:10:He goes over to her,|he ain't getting it from her.
00:06:12:He comes back in here, he's still...
00:06:17:getting drunker, can't get satisfaction.
00:06:19:I want you to go pee on the fucking floor.
00:06:22:"I'll get a reaction. I'll show her.
00:06:24:"I'll show her. Fuck her,|and fuck this house and everything."
00:07:01:What's that saying,|"The eyes are the windows to the soul"?
00:07:05:Come over here.
00:07:07:I wanna see what happens|when you step in front of the mirror.
00:07:13:Maybe it'll be good for you.
00:07:16:Maybe it'll be good for me.
00:07:19:Maybe I'll have a conversion experience.|Maybe I'll become like you.
00:07:23:Fucking perfect.
00:07:28:Come here.
00:07:34:Just want to see what happens.
00:07:43:I want you to look in the mirror.
00:07:47:I want you to tell me what you see.
00:07:51:What do you see?
00:08:01:You know what I see?
00:08:06:I see a two-bit cunt|having a nervous breakdown.
00:08:11:I see a woman who's holier than all...
00:08:14:whose hands are filled with the blood...
00:08:16:of who the hell knows how many abortions,|how many one-night fucks.
00:08:21:The lies, the deceits.
00:08:24:You leave a trail of misery like that,|and then you dare to condescend to me?
00:08:29:I'm not condescending to you.
00:08:31:The fuck you're not!
00:08:33:You know, I'm sick of this metanoia shit.
00:08:36:Your ethics, your rosaries, your novenas.
00:08:39:All right. Okay, Russell.
00:08:41:No, it's not all right.
00:08:44:You think you're something special, right?|But you know what you are?
00:08:48:You're a half-baked nobody|with a broken heart.
00:08:52:Well, fuck you and your opinions.
00:08:55:I'm not stupid, Russell.
00:08:57:- Stupid?|- You don't have to talk to me that way.
00:09:03:You're too boring to be stupid.
00:09:05:You're dead.
00:09:10:Your insecurities paralyzed you.
00:09:13:You're fucking dead|and you don't even know it.
00:09:16:I know it.
00:09:20:I hope that I can be strong enough|to live out what I just said I want to live out.
00:09:25:I mean, isn't that exactly|what's happening with Claire?
00:09:28:- She has this revelation...|- She tried to be as strong.
00:09:31:She's saying, "This is what I've come to,|and this is what I believe in."
00:09:35:And every time he hits her or pushes her|or threatens her, she's like...
00:09:40:She's challenged, she's like:
00:09:43:"Can I live up to this? Can I hold onto this?
00:09:46:"Can I live what I just said I believed in?|Can I?"
00:09:50:And every minute with Russell is a test.
00:09:54:It begins with him arguing with you,|that "my journey is as spiritual as yours is.
00:09:59:"I need this on my journey.
00:10:01:"I need this to face hell, I need the coke...
00:10:04:- "I need the sex, I need the booze."|- Right.
00:10:07:"That's as real as your journey,|as your spiritual quest is.
00:10:11:"You need what? A book,|you need a cross, a symbol.
00:10:15:"I need this." So it becomes an argument.
00:10:20:Between heaven and hell, if you will...
00:10:24:you know, to find what the right path is.
00:10:27:What do you call a girl without an asshole?
00:10:29:- What?|- Single.
00:10:31:Oh, God.
00:10:35:I know one.
00:10:35:- Why did God create men?|- Why?
00:10:39:Because vibrators can't mow the lawn.
00:10:44:Come on, that was funny, wasn't it?
00:10:45:She's on a roll.
00:10:47:She is indeed. I won't even ask|where you've heard these.
00:10:49:Okay. What is a brunette|standing between two blondes?
00:10:55:- I give up.|- An interpreter.
00:10:59:Okay, why does a blonde|always wear huge hoop earrings?
00:11:03:So she has somewhere to put her feet.
00:11:05:No, so she has some place|to rest her ankles.
00:11:11:Here's a good one.
00:11:13:How do you know when a teamster's dead?|When a teamster dies?
00:11:18:Wait. I should know this.
00:11:19:The doughnut rolls out of his hands.
00:11:25:- I'm gonna go.|- Okay.
00:11:28:- Thanks for dinner, whoever is paying for it.|- Me, I'm paying.
00:11:31:- Bye, Jane.|- Bye, sweetie.
00:11:34:- Goodbye, Randy.|- It's a pleasure.
00:11:38:- Thanks for coming.|- Bye, Eddie.
00:11:44:- Be careful.|- Of what?
00:11:47:Lawn mowers?
00:11:54:Wasn't I right to insist|that you use her, or not?
00:11:58:- She's great, she's fantastic.|- She's quite a gal.
00:12:03:Now, I know he's your friend|and everything, Eddie...
00:12:07:but are you really sold on Burns?
00:12:08:Who would you rather see in the role?
00:12:11:I was just floating it out there.
00:12:13:- Some CAA client?|- Of course, I'm an agent, you know.
00:12:17:But if that's your choice, I back it.
00:12:21:You tried to get rid of him.|What do you mean you back it?
00:12:23:- I was just floating it out there...|- Anybody else besides a CAA client?
00:12:29:I'm sure I could come up with a list of|non-CAA clients, if you wanted to see one.
00:12:33:You heard the joke about the actor|that walked into his agent's office...
00:12:36:he opened the door, walked in,|the agent stood up and, "Hello," he lied.
00:12:40:Yeah, I've actually heard that.
00:12:42:Nothing personal.
00:12:45:Nothing personal taken, believe me.
00:12:54:- Yeah.|<i>- Frank, it's me.</i>
00:12:55:Hey, what's happening, man?
00:12:57:<i>What are you doing?</i>
00:13:02:I'm in bed.
00:13:04:<i>I'm looking at the stuff.</i>
00:13:06:How's it look?
00:13:08:I think you'd be surprised.|She looks good, Frank.
00:13:12:<i>She looks good?</i>
00:13:15:<i>How good does she look?</i>
00:13:19:You ought to look at the tapes.
00:13:19:<i>I don't have to look at it, man.</i>|<i>I was there, remember?</i>
00:13:25:Look, we both know she's a fucking whore|and she can't act.
00:13:32:Give her a chance, will you?
00:13:34:I'm giving her a chance.
00:13:39:Okay, man, huh?
00:13:44:<i>I know that makes me feel ugly,</i>|<i>unsympathetic.</i>
00:13:48:<i>I need these things.</i>
00:13:51:<i>I don't want to feel bad. I want to feel good,</i>|<i>but you're not helping me.</i>
00:13:55:<i>You can't ask me to go back to doing</i>|<i>those things you want me to do. I won't.</i>
00:14:00:<i>I can't.</i>
00:14:07:He says you look good in the tapes.
00:14:10:You're an asshole.
00:14:11:- I'm a what?|- You're an asshole.
00:14:14:- What did you...|- lf I'm a whore, what does that make you?
00:14:18:Let's get something straight, Burns.
00:14:21:You didn't fuck me,|you fucked the girl in the script.
00:14:24:I fucked who?
00:14:27:Wait a minute. I fucked who?|I fucked the girl in the script?
00:14:31:That's right.
00:14:32:Come on, don't give me that...
00:14:35:What are you pulling,|that method actor shit?
00:14:38:I'm not pulling shit.|I'm expecting company, okay.
00:14:42:- Come on, I gotta go.|- You're expecting...
00:14:45:- Where you going?|- I'm going.
00:14:48:Where are you going? It's early.
00:14:51:It's 1:15. The night's young.
00:14:53:- It's la...
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